Has anyone checked this out or (perhaps) have a copy of this?
Here is the salespage:
looks great! Looking forward to having partners to share!
Nobody has a copy of that, since its launched just a couple of days ago
Wondering if anyone has the June 2020, February 2021, June 2021, and May 2022 Email Players issues already in their hard drives. (minus the mentioned sales letter analysis and breakdowns)
Just to manage the expectations here, we gotta be realistic, the chances of anyone getting this physical product shipped to them and then manually scan each and every page, and optimizing it to PDFs is very slim.
The next best option is to hope that this get acquired by an organized groupbuy, usually from out of this forum and then for one of us to get it and share it here.
Your points are exactly correct and I felt the same way before I managed to get CopySlacker and the Infotainment Book. There are some very industrious people here on this forum, so you never know what can happen.
PS: If you are a fan of Settle, you'd also like Kelvin Dorsey. Far better newsletter IMHO.
"Kelvin Dorsey"
Looks like cheap, gayish "young hustlers no brain copy paste ai fapGPT" no brain no personality copy of Ben Settle that is so stupid that 1) has no testimonials 2) has no winning emails and is trying to dissect Carlton in his opt in offer 3) Copy the tactics without copy the strategy. "Kelvin Dorsey" is so stupidm fake, gay, that he smells bad even in email. If anyone follows "Kelvin Dorsey" im sorry for you.