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Full Version: [GET] The Mysterious Power of Xingyi Quan
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it looks like the link is already gone...
Nope. Still works.
BlackTopHat, thanks for the share, +5 reps.

Before I became involved in Meta-Physics I was a huge fan of Bruce Lee, and sometimes still have an interest in Chinese martial arts especially Bruce Lee's form of Kung Fu, so when I saw this post my curiosity made me look. The link didn't work for me but I found it and here's a mirror:

The post is still valuable as I hadn't heard of Xingyi Quan till I saw the post.

Thanks again BlackTopHat.

(06-04-2023 10:35 AM)BlackTopHat Wrote: [ -> ]Nope. Still works.

it doesn't work for me

it says :

" the file you requested has been blocked for violation of our terms of service "

so anyway, reps added for the share


(06-07-2023 07:57 AM)Nancy857 Wrote: [ -> ]Reup:


thanks a lot for reup. this time, the link works

reps added
My link works perfectly for me.
(06-08-2023 04:58 PM)BlackTopHat Wrote: [ -> ]My link works perfectly for me.

BlackTopHat, no worries, maybe it's a browser cache issue. Nancy857 gave a better, cleaner mirror than me. +5 reps to BlackTopHat and Nancy857 :)

The complete loser member, and I don't believe any stories about him or her being a pedophile unless proven to be true, mehere001 because he is butthurt about me reminding him that premium links are against TOS here, while he clearly tried to make money off of other members, has taken the low road to adding 1 point to my rep just so he can issue cowardly insults (and weak ones at that) where no one else can see them. F*cked with the wrong guy, Mary.
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