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Full Version: [REQ] Badass Class - Jamie Lewis
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Ok so my good friend Jamie has cracked the code.

Him and his students found out that if you register
a certain type of domain, at the right time.. it will
sell directly without any advertising or “traffic”
for $100 to $600!

So imagine every day, spending only $10, $20, $30..

Then netting $250, $400, $350!

Yes, Buy for $10, Sell for $350.. over and over again!

Now.. this is where it gets crazy. You don’t only
have the option of flipping it right away, but
they have these methods of monetizing them
in all sorts of crazy ways.

So the result is they’re selling all SORTS of stuff as AFFILIATES!

They’re blowing up their Clickbank accounts, CJ accounts
and getting PAID per action like it’s going out of style!

Sales Page:

All this guy sells is domain flipping courses
(06-01-2023 09:49 AM)sucralose Wrote: [ -> ]All this guy sells is domain flipping courses

Is Jamie Lewis a good marketer or not? Can his content/ courses help or his stuff is just useless?
(06-01-2023 02:52 PM)tobbybrocoff Wrote: [ -> ]
(06-01-2023 09:49 AM)sucralose Wrote: [ -> ]All this guy sells is domain flipping courses

Is Jamie Lewis a good marketer or not? Can his content/ courses help or his stuff is just useless?

I don't know but the review video is worth a look. He offers 27 DIFFERENT
METHODS in his training. That makes his sales video look misleading.

Which of his plethora of 'methods' is he referring too?

Looks like a re-hash/cash grab of methods he's been peddling for
I can't speak to this particular product. But I've had nothing but horrible experiences with Jamie Lewis on one of his domain selling courses a while back. He has never responded to my messages to his supposed customer support, except for hiding behind a so-called secretary who says Jamie will get back with me, yet he never does. And he failed to honor his refund guarantee. So I rank him right up there with the likes of Jason Fulton.
Bump for this...! I have mixed feelings about Jamie Lewis, but this looks/sounds interesting...
I’m interested in seeing this as well, but I’ve bought a LOT of his materials over the years, and have been very disappointed every time.

One of the first courses was selling HIS courses, and he claimed there were pre vetted keywords for Google ads. I chose the piano course, placed an ad, and 24 hours later had 4 million useless impressions , no sales, and a four hundred dollar AdWords bill. (He had words like “piano”, piano sheet music, and a ton of other untargeted keywords)

There’s the course where his student Matt cracked the code- the videos were extremely superficial, and he had a video talking about going to the dollar store to buy trash items to resell on eBay. I went and picked up the exact items he showed, and a year later threw them all away- Zero sales. (I was an eBay top seller for the last couple years too- I’m not a newbie. He was just giving terrible advice)

I won’t get into detail about his “testimonials”, but he asked me for one a while ago, because I sold a domain I found through his software. I sold it for $100, but spent like $500 in buying. His advice was for me to lie about making a profit. I declined…
All I gotta say is that the entry-level membership for this course IS super superficial and if you want to get to anything else, its BOSS upgrade, VIP upgrade, or ELITE upgrades are all required.

For example, one of the modules inside is called "How to Sell Crappy Domains (For Thousands!). He gives the FE membership level people 3 videos, 2 of which are less than 2 minutes long and the third, which is about 28 minutes long.

He's got an intro video to the module, then "Domaining 1" which is a high level overview that anybody can find for themselves on a search engine (or even on a forum like the one we're on now.)

Then there's "Domaining 2: Via Youtube" - which is Jamie describing how he sold tons of domains by explaining in a YouTube video how to sell domains.

Then there's "Domaining 3: Starter Site Sales" - This is the 28 minute long video.

But then, if you want to "Unlock the Money!" you have to purchase the upgrades mentioned above.
(06-01-2023 02:52 PM)tobbybrocoff Wrote: [ -> ]
(06-01-2023 09:49 AM)sucralose Wrote: [ -> ]All this guy sells is domain flipping courses

Is Jamie Lewis a good marketer or not? Can his content/ courses help or his stuff is just useless?

id say hes a good marketer if hes always coming out with a new spin on the same course LOL

whether hes actually creating products that work is a different story.
Bumping again for this! Just got another email again today about it from Neil Moran saying he's like 3-10xing his money doing these drop-dead-easy domain flips... Hmmm.... Worth a look if anyone has it!
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