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Full Version: [get] Wiki Nuke Standard 1.04 - Cracked By ME :)
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Wiki Nuke Standard v1.04
Cracked By: CyberPunk (which is me)

Easy as pie to crack. While I was in there, I could tell this was coded by an amateur.. Awesome, noobs who just picked up a C# or Visual book a week ago are coding your guy's SEO tools... haha. Really, it was childish coding, bad flow, and just made me go OMFG. And he charges $97 for this POS? Good concept, but hard coded stuff he should have made dynamic so it is more adaptable.. Bad error checking.. I could go on.

Anyways, my crack works. I didn't take the time to stop it from auto-updating on you guys. So when the next update comes out, it will automatically try to grab it. They have another update coming soon I guess it's supposed to fix some problems.. When it rolls out, I will do a better crack. So this will work for you, until an update rolls out.

Honestly, I had problems getting this program to work. Running their default list of wiki sites, it just kept giving an error when I tried to start posting/submitting. I tried without proxies, and with "skip captcha sites".. Same error. In the help tab at the top, there is a few links under "Fixes" like latest version of IE, download vc++... I didn't bother with all that. So the app may work for you, I may just be missing something. Also, I am on win7 64bit so it may not be compatible.

All I know, is my crack is good, the error is with the app! SO DON'T YELL AT ME IF IT DOESN'T WORK! I can't fix the amateurs bad coding! So if you have errors, look online and you will see other people on warrior forum complaining too, and they paid for it!!!



-Run the installer
-replace the exe with mine
file is clean ??
100% Clean.

Virus Total Report:

thanks @BlackSeng
thax alot can u tell me if its work with CS ?
Sorry I forgot the VT. I pulled an all nighter and was barely able to keep my eyes open. I'm surprised what I wrote was readable :P

However, there have been 51 downloads and only a couple replies and 3 thanks? Be more supportive if you want people to continue to crack apps for you. For instance, I crack SENukeX flawlessly! I am in the middle right now of cracking SliqSubmitter's latest version.

I am curious if other people had errors with this app? If so I know it isn't from my crack, but the app itself is coded bad! Just wondering... or maybe I am missing a requirement to run the app myself.. Feedback would be great guys!
Thanks for the crack, I just woke up and was going to take a look at it, but you beat me to it.

Could anyone post it to another mirror as an account is needed at 4shared to download this. Thanks.
Omega - I have over 50 downloads on the file. Are you sure an account is needed? If it says so, you can create one for free. I Love 4Shared (so far lol). Also, check your PM.
shudogg, When I click download on 4shared it said to join or login to download, but I found it elsewhere on another forum. I should know to just wait a little while and it spread to the other forums like the plague.

I replied to your pm, thanks.
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