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I just now found a set of videos on YouTube that look like the whole thing. Looks pretty interesting, for sure:

@Nancy857, Thank you for sharing. Repped!!!
(05-04-2023 04:06 PM)Nancy857 Wrote: [ -> ]Okay, I have completed the job putting all the audio files onto Vocaroo. Each audio file is a Vocaroo link that you can listen to online; you can copy/paste the entire Notepad file into your email, for instance, so you can get to the links and listen to them online.

You're a legend! Thanks so much for this. I've been a fan of Bob Monroe for a long time and have been wanting to listen to this for a while.
I love my OBEs
Here's a few more links to The Gateway Experience... the archive link has the pdfs and stuff... (you can download each file separately if you click "show all" in the download options box... then click view contents next to the 7zip file)


There's an episode of the Shawn Ryan podcast talking about the whole thing. Very interesting if you're into this sort of stuff.

CIA's Project Stargate:
Thank you, and MAX REPS to Nancy857!!!!!
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here are the most organised FLAC files on the internet, tagged, plus bonuses, plus original manuals:

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Thanks for the share!!
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