04-20-2023, 08:41 AM
The Conversation Casanova Mastery System, The Extended Edition ? ? (Includes 48 Conversation Tactics, Techniques and Mindsets to Start Conversations, Flirt like a Master and Never Run Out of Things to Say) by Seduction IQ: Lifestyle, Skills, Tactics, and Habits
How many times has this happened to you?
You're at a:
- café,
- grocery store,
- college campus,
- a local social event,
- street,
- bench awaiting public transportation, or
- ANYWHERE there's young tight sexy women.
"She's cute!! I would like to meet her!" a thought enters your mind. "YES, I would BANG" another thought enters your mind.
She's the type of good-looking girl you would would consider:
- dating,
- having sex with,
- having a long term relationship with, or
- using her to meet her other beautiful friends.
- "What do I say to her?" You think. "F***!!! I don't know what to say to break the ice!!"
- "After I break the ice, what do I say NEXT to keep her engaged and hooked in the interaction with me?"
- "And THEN, what should I say to spark ⚡️ attraction so that she gets TURNED ON ? ? and starts to view me in a sexual manner, instead of just a 'friendly and harmless talkative guy'?!"
Excuses start coming into your mind:
- ? “She’s probably got a boyfriend.”
- ? “She’s never gonna go for a guy like me.”
- ? "What's the point of trying if I know it won't work anyways?"
The nerves build and you feel a sense of impending doom as you realize you're probably going to bail. As you sit and make excuses, she turns her back and walks away; you feel the familiar gut wrenching feeling that she's gone forever.
You spend the rest of the day imagining what might've been if you just knew what to say. The painful reality sinks in that some other guy is going to end up with this girl in his bed, all because you hesitated, and gave into your approach anxiety.
- You don't know what to say to initiate an interaction.
- You don't know how to keep it going.
- You don't know practical techniques to get her hyper-interested to you, so she wants to see you again for future interactions.
- You don't know specific actionable steps to TRIGGER MASSIVE UNCONTROLLABLE ATTRACTION within her, so that you smoothly turn the conversation SEXUAL and lead it to a BANG. ? ?
You know you should’ve approached her. You’re imagining her in your bed, her bra and panties crumpled up on your bedroom floor. The approach could have led to a longterm mutually satisfying sexual relationship...
But instead you're contemplating another pathetic love session with your dominant hand because you didn't have practical seduction knowledge. The problem is, society has changed how we interact socially, and so for most people, approaching women doesn't come naturally.
Hi, I’m Cory Smith, author of the popular twitter account @PUA_DATING_TIPS and best selling author on Amazon. After approaching over 4,000 women (in the span of more than a decade) and going through a painstaking process of trial and error, I have cracked the hidden code on how to smoothly approach women that gets results EFFICIENTLY and EFFECTIVELY.
What I found over the years, is that sex is as available as oxygen to men that:
- understand the steps of the human mating process, and
- implement the right techniques at each step.
- approach any hot girl that you like,
- strike up a conversation,
- have her engaged,
- flirt, and unleash her sexual wild side - no matter how shy you are now. I can tell you from experience, having an Approaching Superpower feels good!
It has turned hundreds of guys from zero to successful seducers. All they had to do was follow the steps and use the techniques in each step. Then like clockwork, the results poured in.
- You don't need 10/10 looks.
- You don't need to be rich, or to be of elite status.
- And you don't need to be naturally quick witted.
- You will start dating 2 to 3 girls a week, extremely quickly.
- That's potentially 156 girls a year.
- Approach ANY beautiful woman ANYTIME and ANYWHERE.
- Strike up a conversation in a natural and spontaneous manner that disarms and engages her. (You can use any one of the bullet-proof openers revealed in the program).
- Use tactics to keep the conversation going in a mutually enjoyable and engaging manner.
- Use specific techniques to spark her attraction for you through the roof so that she DESIRES YOU.
- Smoothly turn things sexual, and BANG.
Here's a sneak peak of what you’ll get inside:
- Never have the "I don't know what to say" excuse ever again.
- 3 BULLETPROOF OPENING LINES for starting conversation with beautiful women, anywhere and anytime.
- 14 common conversation mistakes that most men don't even know they're making.
- How to be a CONVERSATION CASANOVA, and smoothly escalate a conversation into sex.
- 5 little known mind-hijacking tricks to make women crazy about you (based on science)
- How to use what you’ve learned to get the girls you want, back to your place, TODAY.
- And much, much more...
- OPTION 1: Do nothing. Continue to feel regret for every missed opportunity, hoping that one day you’re lucky enough that a 6/10 just walks into your life.
- OPTION 2: Try and fix the problem yourself. Continue to take months/years of valuable time going through a process of trial and error.
- OPTION 3: Plug in my battle tested system and get life changing results with women today! I went through the pain of 4,000+ trial and error approaches, so you don't have to. You don't have to reinvent the wheel; just use a step-by-step system that has already been proven to work.
Do yourself a huge favor - one that your future self will thank you for.
Get this program right now. Hit the "I want this" button on the top right corner, and start going through the program immediately.
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