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Full Version: Earn $100+ a Day using Others' Youtube Channels
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Here is a method for beginners who want to earn money from Youtube, without creating any videos. This method uses niche Youtube channels created by other people. No investment needed except for your time and efforts.

Leave your feedback if you get success using this method.

Greetings Sikandar and Thanks for posting this offer !!
(+Rep given, of course.)

Nice Thread Perfect 10 Nice Thread
Thanks for sharing, +5 Reps sent!
Thank you for this...
Will check it out
Thanks mate
Max reps and thanks for this Sikander. That was a quick read at 16 pages.

Seems like a pretty doable idea, except for the part where you have to convince 'channel owners' to take only "10-20%", of the cut of sales. This would be a lot easier if you are promoting something you can afford to offer 40%. Your own product for instance.
IF you can capture leads in the process, it's definitely worth it!
Thank you...
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