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Full Version: [5 Beta Testers Wanted] YouTube Rank Tracking Softwware
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i am looking for 5 reviewers for my youtube rank tracking software, successful beta testers can 1 year free license for pro version.

but first know why this software is special:

The biggest pain point that the product solves is not having the need to use proxies to check the ranking position and allows a user to use their own custom YouTube API with geo-targeting.

doing the process manually to check the ranking position of videos in YouTube is quite cumbersome.
Also being able to get accurate rank of video for any country for a keyword by connecting one's own custom YouTube API as well as being able to track more than one keyword at the same time. Not to mention one can also compare performance of 2 competitors side by side in a nicely plotted graph.

To become a beta tester, submit your request here with subject line: beta test youtube rank checker and also mention in a few lines why you want to beta test and how product can help you, then i will contact you with further steps:
here is more info about software with video

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