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(04-01-2023 10:50 AM)merchant Wrote: [ -> ]this is from BHW

He literally put it first in the OP. Where's the emoji for facepalm?

In this forum, we thank and/or rep people that take time to share.
Great share thanks!
Creating a minimalist movie poster that conveys the essence of a film with just a few simple elements can be challenging but extremely rewarding. A successful minimalist design should capture the mood and theme of the film while still being visually stimulating. It should also be able to deliver its message with minimal elements, relying on clever use of color, shape and texture to create an intriguing yet simplistic design.
Thank you for this share
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Great. Thank for sharing.
(03-31-2023 07:46 PM)Omni Potens Wrote: [ -> ]Max Rep+ on you TheCowboy . I edited post#1 and added post to unlock on your share to prevent the link from being deleted fast. Without post to unlock i am sure many will just hit and run your share without saying thanks, so apology if i added post to unlock on it cause i am sure what you share is quite useful as i see many request for that.

Furthermore I check and your share which is 45 pages is the most updated one, cause i have the old version which only contain 33 pages. Once again thanks on removing the watermark and adding a BBHF watermark.

Omni Potens

Thank you very much for fixing the thread and for the rep. Really appreciated. It's good to know that this is an updated version of the product.
Thanks for the share
Thanks needed share.
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