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Full Version: [GET] Darius Lukas - The Marketer's Bible to ChatGPT - 1000+ ChatGPT Prompts to Copy, Paste and Scale ($37.00)
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this looks good
thanks, great share
Great share Max Reps
Thanks for the Share. Awesome!
Fired my article writers a few months ago, I think I've got a pretty good handle on using prompts to get Chet Gupta write me banging blog posts and articles for social media.
Then again, the MMO niche's filled with snale-oil salesmen.. let's see how good these prompts really are.

Thanks in advance Op.
Thanks, max reps added
OK Doky, let er rip!
Post to unlock. Looks good to me. Thank you for sharing. Repped.
Post to unlock and thanks for sharing!
open it dear
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