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The Literature Review : A Comprehensive Six Step Guide
The step-by-step process using an applied critical-thinking model needed to produce a quality literature review
Rating: 4.4 out of 5
(15 ratings)
1,417 students
1.5 hours on-demand video
1 article
14 downloadable resources

This course serves as a logical road map to guide the researchers and students from finding a topic to researching, organizing, arguing, and composing the review. This course consists of four steps:

Step 1. Select a Topic — Recognize and Define the Problem

Step 2. Develop the Tools for Argument — Create a Process for Solving the Problem

Step 3. Search the Literature — Collect and Organize the Information

Step 4. Survey the Literature — Discover the Evidence and Build Findings

Step-5. Critique the Literature — Interpret the findings

Step-6. Write the Review — Communicate and evaluate the conclusions

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