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Full Version: [GET] Toxic Superfoods: The Hidden Toxin in 'Superfoods' That's Making You Sick--and How to Feel Better
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An acclaimed nutrition educator reveals how the foods you're eating to get healthy might be making you sick.

"Sally Norton's well-researched book makes a truly important contribution to the literature in revealing just how much oxalates can damage the human body."--Nina Teicholz, author of The Big Fat Surprise

If you're eating a healthy diet and you're still dealing with fatigue, inflammation, anxiety, recurrent injuries, or chronic pain, the problem could be your spinach, almonds, sweet potatoes, and other trusted plant foods. And your key to vibrant health may be quitting these so-called superfoods.

After suffering for decades from chronic health problems, nutrition educator Sally K. Norton, MPH, discovered that the culprits were the chemical toxins called oxalates lurking within her "healthy," organic plant-heavy diet. She shines light on how our modern diets are overloaded with oxalates and offers fresh solutions including:

- A complete, research-backed program to safely reverse your oxalate load
- Comprehensive charts and resources on foods to avoid and better alternatives
- Guidance to improve your energy, optimize mood and brain performance, and find true relief from chronic pain

In this groundbreaking guide, Norton reveals that the popular dictum to "eat more plants" can be misleading. Toxic Superfoods gives health-seekers a chance for improved energy, optimum brain performance, graceful aging, and true relief from chronic pain.

So - best to become an air fern ??:

Quote:Antinutrients are sneaky compounds that actively steal nutrients from your body when you eat them. Antinutrients include things like lectins, phytates, and oxalates (what we’ll be talking about today).

The scariest thing about antinutrients is that unlike something really bad like margarine — which can be easily avoided entirely on a whole foods diet – antinutrients are in the “healthiest” foods…

Nuts and seeds
Leafy greens
Cruciferous veggies
Dark chocolate


Ooopsy - my bad - the air is also always somewhat toxic these days...
What to do...what to do ??
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