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Full Version: [GET] Roland Frasier - My $25K Consult Blueprint Bundle ($2,997.00)
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thanks for the link
Thanks for sharing!
Thanks for sharing this
Thank you very much
thanks for this
I think I have this already but want to check if anything in my download missed. Ta
Interested in this one
really looking forward to this
Let me take a look please
MoneyStar, thanks for the share, I'm trying to wrap my head around this idea but it's like coming into a movie half way through and trying to figure out what went on before.

I'm working on getting Consult Blueprint Bundle - Roland Frasier in hopes of starting at the beginning of the movie. +5 reps to you though. If I can get started on it, it could accelerate financial matters better than I had hoped.


EDIT: I get the idea but not how to set it up and the download I was expecting to help explain it is the same as this one.

There's been other packages about charging for a meeting but to charge 25k for a meeting is the highest I have seen so far and thus the appeal. Anyone have other package/s to help explain? This one doesn't seem complete. Better to pull back and focus on sales for business and then learn the ropes on the way.

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