04-04-2012, 05:06 AM
Easiest Way To Search WSO to Avoid Duplicate threads
Ok, i will stickied this for everyone!!!
Lets take for example, we are searching for "Optimize Press"
1) By searching the title keyword "OptimizePress" (WITHOUT "")and got the following results:
2) By using the title keyword "Optimize Press" (without "", and look closely, it has a space), so i end up a different search from the above search!
3) You can also do it via google.com,
using google syntax formula!
Type this in google search box.
a) bestblackhatforum Optimizepress
b) bestblackhatforum.com Optimizepress
c) bestblackhatforum Optimize press
d) bestblackhatforum.com Optimize press
Now using this different google syntax, i end up with DIFFERENT results, and it looks like, in syntax letter c that i haved used, i was able to find the NULLED version.
Nulled version:
Optimizepress training (my old posted thread)
See? How i managed to get a proper search?
If it is the different version like optimize press v1, then v2, then its acceptable to post NEW thread,
but please if your sharing the same version, please refrain from posting new thread, just add your mirrors/links/ideas/etc on the first original posted thread.! Thank you!
- Direct Download
That is why ADMIN instructed me to take over this dumping freebies section to avoid confusion among people who post new shares where in fact, its been already shared, or sometimes, different wso title but the same thread, that is why i will take over this dumping freebies.
Any member caught posting NEW THREAD only to promote or confuse members to download on the PAID LINKS will be given warnings, If it still being ignored by the person involved, then i have no choice but to immediately banned members doing this! Please be GUIDED. Lets make freebies section a CLEAN sharing section for everyone! Thank you!
Direct Downloads (Freebies Moderator)
Easiest Way To Search WSO to Avoid Duplicate threads
Ok, i will stickied this for everyone!!!
Lets take for example, we are searching for "Optimize Press"
1) By searching the title keyword "OptimizePress" (WITHOUT "")and got the following results:
2) By using the title keyword "Optimize Press" (without "", and look closely, it has a space), so i end up a different search from the above search!
3) You can also do it via google.com,
using google syntax formula!
Type this in google search box.
a) bestblackhatforum Optimizepress
b) bestblackhatforum.com Optimizepress
c) bestblackhatforum Optimize press
d) bestblackhatforum.com Optimize press
https://www.google.com/search?q=bestblackhatforum+Optimizepress&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&aq=t&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&client=firefox-a#hl=tl&sugexp=frgbld&gs_nf=1&pq=bestblackhatforum.com optimizepress&cp=31&gs_id=2h&xhr=t&q=bestblackhatforum.com Optimize press&pf=p&client=firefox-a&hs=juM&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&sclient=psy-ab&oq=bestblackhatforum.com+Optimize+press&aq=&aqi=&aql=&gs_l=&pbx=1&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_cp.r_qf.,cf.osb&fp=adb9249c45126ad0&biw=1280&bih=593
Now using this different google syntax, i end up with DIFFERENT results, and it looks like, in syntax letter c that i haved used, i was able to find the NULLED version.
Nulled version:
Optimizepress training (my old posted thread)
See? How i managed to get a proper search?
If it is the different version like optimize press v1, then v2, then its acceptable to post NEW thread,
but please if your sharing the same version, please refrain from posting new thread, just add your mirrors/links/ideas/etc on the first original posted thread.! Thank you!
- Direct Download
That is why ADMIN instructed me to take over this dumping freebies section to avoid confusion among people who post new shares where in fact, its been already shared, or sometimes, different wso title but the same thread, that is why i will take over this dumping freebies.
Any member caught posting NEW THREAD only to promote or confuse members to download on the PAID LINKS will be given warnings, If it still being ignored by the person involved, then i have no choice but to immediately banned members doing this! Please be GUIDED. Lets make freebies section a CLEAN sharing section for everyone! Thank you!
Direct Downloads (Freebies Moderator)