Thanks for sharing!
Unlock please.
geez, whats with this 'post to unlock' thing going down these days - unlock
Looks good unlock please.
Looks good, thanks for sharing.
Guys, there is a ****ton of public domain works on the Kindle store.
People who buy Kindle books aren't all total idiots.
I can't believe this kind of strategy is still being sold and people are still paying for it.
Even John Thornhill, one of the first in this space, creates original works! If someone like him -- who was in the public domain space near the start -- takes the time to create original works these days, do you think there is still a ton of money to be made in public domain, for a newcomer?
If you are new to Kindle, this is not the way to go.
If you are experienced in Kindle, you've probably already tried this.
Either way...
FFS -- Seriously...