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Where Do You Need a Sudden Breakthrough?

Are you praying for something, but haven’t gotten an answer yet?

Have you received prophetic words and promises from God that haven’t come to pass?

Do you feel like you’re living in that place between your desire and its fulfillment?

Throughout the Bible, the word “suddenly” often comes before a significant and supernatural shift. Suddenly, prison doors broke open and Paul and Silas were set free. Suddenly, Jairus’ daughter was raised from the dead! Suddenly, the 120 in the upper room were filled with the Holy Spirit!

LaJun and Valora Cole have received a prophetic mandate to release a timely word of the Lord: you can position yourself to receive a similar, sudden move of God in your life!

By reading the miracle testimonies and putting the teaching to practice, you will learn how to:

• Position yourself for “sudden breakthrough” in any area of your life: health, finances, relationships, and more!
• Access the “Finisher Anointing” to see prayers, prophecies, and promises fulfilled.
• Declare and confess the Word to access God’s sudden breakthroughs.
• Receive supernatural strategies for acceleration and advancement.
• Recognize divine alignments, new relationships, “Cornelius connections,” and destiny-defining moments.

Don’t give up before your sudden breakthrough. Discover the secrets to seeing your prayers answered and exceeded. All it takes is one sudden encounter with God!

thanks for sharin Stillstanding.rep.
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Thanks for the share!
Thank you both, maxs reps added!!

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