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Full Version: [GET] Myths, Lies, and Downright Stupidity: Get Out the Shovel -- Why Everything You Know is Wrong
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Americas favorite investigative reporter, John Stossel, tackles our favorite myths in his characteristic style and challenges us to look at life differently. Myths and Misconceptions covered in the book include:

Is the media unbiased

Are our schools helping or hurting our kids

Do singles have a better sex life than married people

Do we have less free time than we used to

Is outsourcing bad for American workers

Suburban sprawl is ruining America.

Money makes people happier.

The world is too crowded.

Were drowning in garbage.

Profiteering is evil.

Sweatshops exploit people.

John Stossel takes on these and many more misconceptions, misunderstandings, and plain old stupidity in this collection that will offer much to love for Give Me a Break fans, and show everyone why conventional wisdomeconomic, political, or socialis often wrong.

Thanks stillstanding, for taking the time to share!
Max reps for sharing this reputable resource.
Hi SS, re-up request please
(12-14-2023 01:14 PM)brizan Wrote: [ -> ]Hi SS, re-up request please

here you go

Thank you for sharing - maxed out on reps til tomorrow.
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