12-15-2022, 03:51 AM
![[Image: 51EMcbSI+xS._SY498_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg]](https://m.media-amazon.com/images/I/51EMcbSI+xS._SY498_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg)
Finally, a diabetic cookbook you'll actually enjoy reading and using. Frank, complete, simple: your favorite sweets and comfort foods, reimagined as whole food, plant-based, sugar-free, low-carb, dairy-free, gluten-free classics. Beautiful graphics and photographs, nutrition facts for every recipe, plus a great, fun read: one of the best cookbooks you'll have on your shelves whether you're diabetic, pre-diabetic or not. Everything you need to know about sugar substitutes, dairy-free baking, no-carb thickeners, gluten-free options, plant-based protein, all in straightforward, no-bs language. Recipes are simple and flexible: family favorites plus new ideas you'll love.