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Full Version: GET Hosting Static Websites on Amazon S3
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What you'll learn

Create and configure an S3 bucket and push content to it using the AWS CLI
Use AWS Route 53 to create a domain (or subdomain) for your site
Create a CloudFront distribution to enable low-latency CDN access
Request and deploy a (free) encryption certificate to ensure secure TLS/SSL access to your site
Create and upload site content using the Hugo static website generator


Learners should have their own AWS accounts and a very basic familiarity with their use.
They should also have basic familiarity with a command line tool (PowerShell, Bash, Terminal, etc.) used by the OS on their personal computers.


Building secure static websites on public cloud platforms like AWS can be the solution to many problems: they can cost next to nothing, will pretty much never be unavailable, and can provide a surprisingly wide range of features. The only real downside is that there's a bit of a learning curve you'll have to climb to get it done.

In this self-paced course, you'll learn how to build your own secure and highly-available static website on the Amazon S3 platform. The video demos will show you exactly how every step in the process works and the test-yourself quizzes will ensure you've understood and absorbed everything. Naturally, you're strongly encouraged to dive in to design and deploy a static site for yourself.
New Coupon:

Hosting Static Websites on Amazon S3
Learn to build cheap, secure, scalable, and robust Amazon S3-based static website hosting | and Hugo static websites
Rating: 4.8 out of 5
(6 ratings)
1,672 students
42 mins on-demand video
2 articles

Enjoy and thanks to 1qay1qay for the original share!
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Great share, reps added.
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