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Full Version: [GET] Starter Sourdough: 100 Artisan Bread Baking recipes in one Bread Cookbook
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To get the best sourdough bread one should create a perfect starter - the one that makes the bread baking trick. Let this starter sourdough cookbook guide you through the baking process, science, and captivating art of sourdough cooking. With step-by-step recipes, this cookbook provides information on how to create your own starters for the most delicious baked goods such as cakes, pancakes, biscuits, loaves, baguettes, and many more.

This sourdough cookbook will cover for you the following topics:

Starter treatment;

Delicious homemade bread recipes for beginners and pros;

Outstanding starter options with basic ingredients such as flour, water, salt, and yeast.

Get a copy of this starter sourdough and start baking your own bread today! Sourdough celebrates artisan techniques along with the sweet treats from sourdough leftovers for you and your loved ones. With the rising popularity of the healthy whole food movement, the Sourdough Cookbook will give you exactly the thing you need. From your very first rustic loaf to the modern solutions, join the home bread baking fun and eat healthily.

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