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Full Version: [GET] Short Email Copy Mastery - Matt Bacak
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Many Thanks TheCowboy and aminoacid for the mirror.
Thanks a lot aminoacid! Great mirror. One problem thou: The pass (fck61524) is wrong (WinRAR 6.11; that is the latest). I get "Error: Incorrect password for C:...".
Bump seems like the link isn't working even after clicking the "courses" at the top, same goes with the password. Thanks so much! :)
Hi aminoacid

Wrong password.
For the password just add a space before the given password it worked for me.
(11-26-2022 12:02 PM)aminoacid Wrote: [ -> ].

part 1

part 2


Dedicated to my best friend.


Hi aminoacid

Thanks for the share.

I can confirm that after you updated the links, the share is now working with the password you supplied.

The Bonus Folder alone is worth downloading this share. A huge list of past emails sent by a large amount of different marketers.

What an AWESOME Swipe file!

Very much appreciate you taking the time to fix the password issue after I PMed you and sending me a return PM that it was ready to go.



Working fine.Thanks!
Tried downloading "AminoAcid" Share 4 times and each time I get Virus Detected on Zip 1- Be careful. Thanks anyways!

"Virus scan failed" or "Virus detected"
These errors mean that your virus scanning software might have blocked you from downloading a file.

Check your virus-scanning software for details about why the file was blocked.
On Windows: Windows Attachment Manager could have removed the file you tried to download. To see what files you can download or why your file was blocked, check your Windows internet security settings.
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