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Full Version: [GET] Incognito Profit System - Erik Cagi ($991)
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thanks !! repped
Thanks for the share.
These huge courses rarely get reviewed, probably because you have to be dedicated to wade through all the verbiage and endless videos, but here's my take on this course.

Erik Cagi is a young Slovakian (I think) marketer who has made a name for himself on Youtube - his channel has tons of MMO videos of questionable efficacy.

This course employs a pretty standard email marketing approach but with a few angles that seem, in my experience, slightly different. Whether they make any practical difference, it's hard to say.

Anyway - without going into all the tedious detail, what you'll see with this course is the following:
- A lot of motivational content - you know the kind of thing - "this is really important, take action today" etc. Doesn't do much for me, but you may find it helpful.
- An approach which is basically about finding MMO offers (Clickbank, W+), setting up an autoresponder, and driving signup traffic via solo ads. Then email the bejasus out of the list you build.
- The differentiator for this course is the sheer volume of emails he recommends: 3 or 4 emails per day for three or more consecutive days, hammering home the sale. Once you've exhausted the recipient, it's on to the next offer and more emails. Plough any profits back into building your list.
- He's a fan of GetResponse and Udimi.
- There's some useful stuff about how to focus on the right offers (ie offers that are most likely to sell)

Well that's about it - there may be some subtleties I've missed, but for this to work you're going to need to be dedicated in scheduling all those emails - this certainly isn't a passive method.

Does it work? Well, I'm testing it and so far it hasn't, but that could just be me. I just don't like sending BS emails and offers, so I guess my natural tendency to tone down the hype may be harming me.
Interested to hear if anyone else has tried this.

EDIT: this is a summary video of the Incognito system

Great Share.
Thank you MoneyStar

Maximum reps to you.
Thanks for sharing this MoneyStar.

max reps
thanks for sharing
Thank tou for the share
Re-Up Please! pretty Please
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