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Full Version: [GET] Domain Seeding With The Google News Formula
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Red headed stepchild sop abusig forum members and wasting their time
Find something that works and stick with it
Move out of your mums basement and gt a life.
I summitted a site with a guy on Fiverr to get my site approved for Google news .
As far as I know it needs to be summited to which mine has not been
the other way is described in the training again being listed in google news sites again mine is not.

Unless one of you clever guys can fill me in on this.
Again this site has 2 pages indexed and thats it I believe the guy is blagging me about being in google news.
I take it back the site was submitted via his publisher account and I have 35 out of 37 posts are indexed As it posts 3 time a day Im happy with that and already seeing traffic next thing is apply to Absence
Just goes to show thinking outside the box
(12-04-2022 09:38 PM)billuk3 Wrote: [ -> ]I take it back the site was submitted via his publisher account and I have 35 out of 37 posts are indexed As it posts 3 time a day Im happy with that and already seeing traffic next thing is apply to Absence
Just goes to show thinking outside the box

Great result - glad it worked for you. How long does it take for your posts to get indexed?
The blog post's 3 times a day by the next day they are indexed its a cheap domain as well a xyz domain so im very happy
im Looking to sell my two google news sites on Flippa does any one have a selling template for listing the sites?
(12-01-2022 05:11 AM)billuk3 Wrote: [ -> ]I summitted a site with a guy on Fiverr to get my site approved for Google news .
As far as I know it needs to be summited to which mine has not been
the other way is described in the training again being listed in google news sites again mine is not.

Unless one of you clever guys can fill me in on this.
Again this site has 2 pages indexed and thats it I believe the guy is blagging me about being in google news.

Can u kindly share the details of the fiverr guy who got your site approved in “Google News” and the price

It would be of great help..this thread has been very useful and productive

Download link is not working, anyone have the original link or a mirror?
This method of creating an automated Google news sites using YTRevolution may not be working now, but there are webmasters who are creating niche news sites that are making thousands of dollars every month. They use various tools including AI tools, for creating such websites.

Just find out how much this Disneyland News website is making annually.


Rather than blaming some methods that are not working, let's brainstorm how you can create such news sites with minimum efforts.
(05-09-2023 04:45 PM)sikandar Wrote: [ -> ]This method of creating an automated Google news sites using YTRevolution may not be working now, but there are webmasters who are creating niche news sites that are making thousands of dollars every month. They use various tools including AI tools, for creating such websites.

Just find out how much this Disneyland News website is making annually.


Rather than blaming some methods that are not working, let's brainstorm how you can create such news sites with minimum efforts.

Greta idea, do you know any working method that can create news sites?
is holly's method still working?
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