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Full Version: [GET] Copy Posse Launch Files Alex Catonni
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Thanks Layna, awesome share.
@jnld: You're welcome, friend. It's a pleasure to help others whenever I can.

for liking my shares!
A little birdy is posting [Reported by Members as premium hosting that SUCK! Use MEDIAFIRE or MEGA.NZ :) !!!] links are banned.
Why are you allowed to post these links and not others??/?
Thank you for the share!
thank you so much
thanks for the share
Thank you!
Amazing terrific
Does the link still work for you guys?
@blaqpope: Which link are you referring to? I'll try to help but clarity in your post helps for whomever reaches out to assist you.

If you're able to use premium links, then when one link is dead (which seems to be the case here) it's easy enough to find another.

Below is an image of the keywords I used to find a new, working RG link for this download.
[Image: ice-screenshot-20240418-074021.png]

Browse the search results and select a link to plug into your RG premium host account (or your Real-Debrid app account).

Here's the key: Look for links that show a folder (versus file) so you won't have to import individual file parts. A link that shows a "folder" subdirectory will already have all of the individual file parts included. So you only need to use the master link in your account to bring up all of the many file parts.

Here's an example of links you should test in Real-Debrid:

[Image: ice-screenshot-20240418-081844.png]

I put a couple of the links in my Real-Debrid account, and got this result (ready to download!):

[Image: ice-screenshot-20240418-073258.png]

This course is huge! There are 28 file parts, each weighing in at 1.46 GB, with the very last one being 244.49 MB... so this is a very hefty download.

Which explains why people aren't sharing these kinds of files more often (unless they happen to find it floating around on an existing Mega link).

I use JDownloader to handle files this size. You must have your premium link host (or debrid app) account login credentials included in JD2's settings for this to work. But once you do, it's a seamless operation.

It's all pretty straightforward but if you need a walk-through, search Google for "how to link your premium file host account to JDownloader2" (or similar keywords).

I have already mentioned how you can't go wrong with Real-Debrid, so I won't repeat myself.

If you want a course badly enough, you need Real-Debrid.

I hope this helps.

And here's a gift-download, as my "thank you" for reading all this...

5 Mindset Shifts to Transform
Your Life and Business

[Image: ice-screenshot-20240418-074713.png]

Magic Button :

for reading!
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