(10-16-2022 09:10 PM)GordonShumway Wrote: [ -> ]Thanks for the share Theo!
You like to travel off the well beaten path and bring out sold golden oldies.
Nightingale-Conant have a long history and huge catalogue of material and this is one of the gems in the collection.
I did not have this Audio version, but do have the book and a few others by Robert Scheinfeld...
Get the books here.
Hey Gordon!
Yeah I feel usually the classics are "classics" for a reason, no matter how old they are right? Beowulf for instance is from somewhere between 750-1000 AD (scholars still debate this) but would we call it "outdated or irrelevant?" Lol-
In any case thank you for those extra Bob S. books here- I had never heard of the two Money and Business Game books, so thank you for those!
I think I'd be afraid for us to exchange hard drives some day, we would need an extra year to go through each others' treasures! (And Layna's of course!)
Thanks again!
(10-17-2022 01:58 AM)GetStuffDone Wrote: [ -> ]Theo1 my friend! There is more than person who needs this!!!! Im in the line! Thank you!!!!
Any time buddy!
It was weird, I was practicing some 11th Element techniques, and out of the blue a weird chain of images flashed through the screen of my mind- First it was a Lakers jersey, then a basketball hoop, then the movie Airplane- I was very confused but the images continued coming- Then I was overcome by the image of a 7 foot 2 inch tall man, and I realized it was Kareem Abdul Jabbar- Then I saw Kareem throwing punches and kicking with his stilt like legs in the air- Finally I realized I was watching a scene out of Game of Death and right away I thought of you- So there you go! Enjoy!
Also BTW thank you for reminding me about the FHL 2022 share- I had meant to check it out but forgot all about it- Thanks!
Thanks for amazing share @theo1 and Thanks to @gordon also for adding some additional books of Bob!
thanks a lot for this share
A reupload would be greatly appreciated
how could i of missed this back in 2022!
anyways link is down, any chance of a reup? TIA

Seems like great content, thanks :

Thanks for this update 5X Reps to you and yours!