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Thanks @Layna for update on copytroll, and I do know ben's stuff vanish in a flash! I have copy of copy troll which was shared a while back by you, and I know zlibrary is a wonderful resource to search for any book and resource, thanks to your tips, and suggestion in your previous shares! Thanks mate for sharing these wonderful resources as well as teaching us how to find them! Really you are a gem of a person! Thanks
Thanks for the share Layna!

Already have everything on your share, but like was already commented on above, getting the Ben Settle stuff out to those folks that want to get started OR want to expand their online business is very helpful for those people that take action.

I know that some folks learn easier via video, so I am sharing a quick 23 minute video call "One Email A Day". It is from a presentation Ben did and he gives a easy overview for the system and some good pointers on what and how to do it.

Hope some of the BBHF audience enjoys.


Thanks mate @gordonshumway for adding appetizers to already wonderful and delicious meal from our content queen @layna61524
thank you very much layna
thanks lyaana that a big value
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