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YT is a big money maker for some folks AFAIK - but it is not for everyone.

This idea comes from TRYING to view YT videos which are made by folks whose voices and/or accents are almost impossible for me - here's 1 example of that:

Yes, he's a guru and he goes on at length and even with CC I could not follow what he was babbling about, BUT:
I found a YT transcript tool which made it possible for me to easily READ what his babbling videos were about.

It then occurred to me that pretty much anyone could put such already created verbiage to good uses for gray or blackhat MMO.

Step 1:
Locate some 1/2 way decent guru video on YT and copy its URL;

Step 2:
Locate a YT transcript tool that is still working (YT kills 'em often);

Step 3:
Using that tool and the copied URL get a transcript (may need to try a couple of tools to get a decent result);

Step 4:
Go all the way - 100% of the way through it, manually spinning it and making it have decent grammar (most don't to start with);

Step 5:
Make a PDF of it to start with, add a cover page and BOOM, you have a product;

Step 6:
Sell it just as openly as others do with their guru turds on JVZ, W+ or even CB if you are brave enough.

If it has a good enough SP and a decently low price like maybe $17, then it could be that all the bazillion shiny object seekers will buy enough of it to buy your groceries now and then.

I am not doing this myself as typing and editing is physically painful for me and I'd like to have my start at something more whitehat than this idea, but if it suits your skills and tastes, why not try it ??

Hey Lumos. Good idea and thanks for sharing bro. First few lines and I thought it was offering a voiceover service to them...a valuable service unto itself.

This is something that I have heard and seen before (so it works) and there's even an app called article monster that uses youtube just like you proposed!

Also...lately I had been listening to a good marketer from ogilvy by the name of Rory Sutherland. Basically he came to this conclusion himself upon the consideration that public speakers create a wealth of content and he proposed to transcribe it also with the help of to quickly create books out of it.

So yeah...all connected brutha.
Yeah! I have really no idea why this guys seems kinda popular or they just spam their way into the market like one of those most seen gurus with literal products launch every week or month and are gradually perceived as expert/authority in the market.

I also couldn't get through his downloaded courses as his voice accent was literally painful to listen to and understand. And there was another popular company traffic and funnel or something and course videos were literally the scribble writing with mouse on some note drawing app whitescreen. It's d*** near impossible to get what he's writing. I mean if you are that great selling shit, invest in some graphics tablet. But seems to be still doing okay.

I am like I could do way better than these guys in terms of content output format and most of the great quality content be made of plr from jimmy d brown, coachglue, contentsparks and other high quality plr sellers.

I think problem with most of the people is not taking enough actions and just downloading and consuming content, trying to find perfect shit to work with or trying to make perfect product.

I guess we should all just put out lots and lots of products and see which one sticks/sells and get rid of the ones that don't.
(09-29-2022 02:58 PM)Lumos Wrote: [ -> ]
This idea comes from TRYING to view YT videos which are made by folks whose voices and/or accents are almost impossible for me - here's 1 example of that:


Although he has a very, very slight west country accent, his vocals are as clear as day.

Compare that to the very strong Indian accents that a lot of Udemy course providers have, this is nothing at all.

If you cannot understand this guy, then you're in trouble... lol.
Nice trick to getting started! Thanks mate for the tricks!!
(09-29-2022 04:11 PM)Expand Wrote: [ -> ]
(09-29-2022 02:58 PM)Lumos Wrote: [ -> ]
This idea comes from TRYING to view YT videos which are made by folks whose voices and/or accents are almost impossible for me - here's 1 example of that:


Although he has a very, very slight west country accent, his vocals are as clear as day.

Compare that to the very strong Indian accents that a lot of Udemy course providers have, this is nothing at all.

If you cannot understand this guy, then you're in trouble... lol.

LOL! Absolutely agree with Expand. Mick has just a slight accent compared to other areas of the UK - Liverpool or Birmingham for example.
As a Scot, I have no trouble understanding him at all.
Maybe there's a reason why they say that if you want to hear the English language spoken most clearly, you would go to the Scottish Western Isles.

However, some American accents are really quite difficult to follow. And as Expand says, Indian, Pakistan, China etc are often too hard to fathom.
It's not just the spoken word either. I have noticed loads of sales pages and products that are written in very poor English with sentences that people just wouldn't say. If a job is worth doing, it should be done properly and that includes the copy.

If you put a lot of work into the product, and it is for the English speaking market, then get a native English (neutral) speaker to do the voiceover and get a proper English speaking writer to write the copy.

Anyway, great thread Lumos. It will be very helpful to the community, I believe.

100% agreement with what is said here:

(09-29-2022 08:54 PM)solar33 Wrote: [ -> ]If you put a lot of work into the product, and it is for the English speaking market, then get a native English (neutral) speaker to do the voiceover ...

Not all people are blessed with fully functional hearing and I genuinely salute the folks who have such a great gift !!

For me - standing quite close to someone who speaks unaccented US english it is a struggle to somehow keep my 1 semi-good ear pointed at them whilst also trying to lip read them to catch what is missed.

Now, add in ANY background noise, mumbled speech and/or ANY accent of ANY sort - and zero of it reaches my brain.
(And before someone scolds me saying that I need hearing aids - folks with both hearing loss AND severe tinnitus cannot use those, sadly.)
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