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Full Version: Links to other's shares which -may- be helpful here.
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Howdy Folks.

Making this thread occurred to me in looking at the new posts today.

Kudos to TheCowboy for making this share:
The Bulletproof Way To $5k/Months In 2022 - Guzz

I haven't grabbed it as I'm not into video tutes - but I will check back there to see if/when others have helpful comments and/or reviews for it.

As I may run across other notable threads at BBHF which -may- be simple ideas I will refer to those here also and urge other members to do the same.
Not a share but hopefully this will get the ball rolling in the right direction:

11 easy digital products that sell very well:

PS: For those with typing difficulty, have you considered Google Docs speech typing?
YAY !!
Once again, Huge Kudos to TheCowboy for making this great share:

[GET] The World's Easiest Side Hustle ($500/Day WITH Proof)

Here is the video he shared with the info:

Just FYI=>
IMO this may be hugely helpful for anyone who is a regular az buyer AND has a social media presence (I do not).

All credit to TheCowboy for making such great and useful shares !!
Great idea to make this thread. Thanks. I am happy to be the inspiration for it.
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