09-27-2022, 05:18 AM
If you have strong aged google ads accounts or can create google ads accounts. DM me asap. I have profitable crypto campaigns that can easily generate $3k+ daily. We can split profits 70/30 but I'm willing to negotiate. I'm also willing to pay daily so there's no reason to have any suspicion. So if you can provide this service, please contact me asap. Looking forward to doing business with you.
I'm not demanding anyone to do anything. I'm only offering an opportunity for someone whos interested in a longterm partnership to make money.
Before last week, I had a reliable Google Ads Supplier but for some reason the quality of accounts have been shit lately. Whenever I would try to setup and run campaigns, my accounts would just get suspended for suspicious payment activity or Unacceptable Business Practices.
I even tried using different Google Ads suppliers. Most were just scammers that blocked after I paid them or their accounts were shit quality that wouldn't spend more than $100 before google requested I.D verification. Honestly I'm feed up with the B.S and shady suppliers.
All I'm asking for is for someone who can provide Stong Google Ad Accounts that can run BlackHat Offers. I'm willing to pay you 30% of the profit generated on a daily basis and pay for the ad spend upfront. If you dont receive your payout. You can just simple stop running the campaigns. We can start with one account to build trust and scale up to more accounts as our partnership
Progresses. There's nothing else required on your part.
You don't have to send me any money, I don't need any personal information from you. I dont even need to know your name.
If you're interested then Contact me. Lets do business and if you are not then thats fine with me
If this thread doesnt apply to you then please stay away. Go find something better to do with your life. There's no need to waste time posting negative shit under my thread. Find something else to do with time. I don't give a F*** about what you have to say. I'm too busy focused on making money to give a d*** about what you think.
I'm not demanding anyone to do anything. I'm only offering an opportunity for someone whos interested in a longterm partnership to make money.
Before last week, I had a reliable Google Ads Supplier but for some reason the quality of accounts have been shit lately. Whenever I would try to setup and run campaigns, my accounts would just get suspended for suspicious payment activity or Unacceptable Business Practices.
I even tried using different Google Ads suppliers. Most were just scammers that blocked after I paid them or their accounts were shit quality that wouldn't spend more than $100 before google requested I.D verification. Honestly I'm feed up with the B.S and shady suppliers.
All I'm asking for is for someone who can provide Stong Google Ad Accounts that can run BlackHat Offers. I'm willing to pay you 30% of the profit generated on a daily basis and pay for the ad spend upfront. If you dont receive your payout. You can just simple stop running the campaigns. We can start with one account to build trust and scale up to more accounts as our partnership
Progresses. There's nothing else required on your part.
You don't have to send me any money, I don't need any personal information from you. I dont even need to know your name.
If you're interested then Contact me. Lets do business and if you are not then thats fine with me
If this thread doesnt apply to you then please stay away. Go find something better to do with your life. There's no need to waste time posting negative shit under my thread. Find something else to do with time. I don't give a F*** about what you have to say. I'm too busy focused on making money to give a d*** about what you think.