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If you have strong aged google ads accounts or can create google ads accounts. DM me asap. I have profitable crypto campaigns that can easily generate $3k+ daily. We can split profits 70/30 but I'm willing to negotiate. I'm also willing to pay daily so there's no reason to have any suspicion. So if you can provide this service, please contact me asap. Looking forward to doing business with you.


I'm not demanding anyone to do anything. I'm only offering an opportunity for someone whos interested in a longterm partnership to make money.

Before last week, I had a reliable Google Ads Supplier but for some reason the quality of accounts have been shit lately. Whenever I would try to setup and run campaigns, my accounts would just get suspended for suspicious payment activity or Unacceptable Business Practices.

I even tried using different Google Ads suppliers. Most were just scammers that blocked after I paid them or their accounts were shit quality that wouldn't spend more than $100 before google requested I.D verification. Honestly I'm feed up with the B.S and shady suppliers.

All I'm asking for is for someone who can provide Stong Google Ad Accounts that can run BlackHat Offers. I'm willing to pay you 30% of the profit generated on a daily basis and pay for the ad spend upfront. If you dont receive your payout. You can just simple stop running the campaigns. We can start with one account to build trust and scale up to more accounts as our partnership
Progresses. There's nothing else required on your part.

You don't have to send me any money, I don't need any personal information from you. I dont even need to know your name.

If you're interested then Contact me. Lets do business and if you are not then thats fine with me


If this thread doesnt apply to you then please stay away. Go find something better to do with your life. There's no need to waste time posting negative shit under my thread. Find something else to do with time. I don't give a F*** about what you have to say. I'm too busy focused on making money to give a d*** about what you think.
so with 3k daily and you can't afford google ads, hmmm
so with 3k daily and you can't afford VIP member fees?hmmmm
(09-27-2022 05:26 AM)Nokia1 Wrote: [ -> ]so with 3k daily and you can't afford google ads, hmmm

Obviously I'm having trouble with finding legit suppliers or else I wouldnt be posting here.

(09-27-2022 05:40 AM)redone111 Wrote: [ -> ]so with 3k daily and you can't afford VIP member fees?hmmmm

I don't need a V.I.P membership to post in the Joint Venture Section. I rarely even use this forum so I could careless about a V.I.P Membership.

If you're not interested in my thread, please stay away. No one cares about your negative opinions.
so i follow this section of the forum religiously. not because i want to jv or have a jv offer. because this is the 1 section of the forum where most of the scammers hang out. note, i am not calling you a scammer. but what i WILL say is this post is a little shady only because it's a bit confusing.

it is NOT obvious that you are having trouble finding legit suppliers until you just said you did. suppliers i am assuming are the suckers who let other people run campaigns on their account.

you could care less about a vip account? well a vip account would give you credibility and a better reputation when all you do is hang out in the request section where the leechers are and the buy/trade section. you just try to take from the forum and not give back. is this working out for you? my guess is that it's not. this isn't a road map to success. you not seeing value in something that actually has tremendous value is a weak mindset.

now on to my own opinion here on your post. the first thing i thought was if you have successful campaigns, it means you have done these campaigns to know they are successful. if that is the case, you have had google ad accounts to run them....or even just 1 because 1 is all you need and it's not that hard to get a google ads account.

so what's the problem here? it seems like the rules on google are being broken and the ad accounts don't last very long. so now i wonder what is REALLY going on here. you don't mention any sort of illegal campaigns or black hat campaigns that you are running. but whatever the case, i do know that you aren't supplying all the information someone would need to make an informed decision. the same questions pop up in my head with your latest beta tester post you made.

you said you created a course and need a beta tester. first of all, if this is ONLY some sort of trading system, then you don't need a beta tester. you just need someone to review your course. it's very easy to create a case study on your own. with a little further research, it's interesting to see that a commission from a tier 1 country is $250 which is the EXACT amount you will be giving someone from the united states(a tier 1 country). so it makes me believe that this has NOTHING to do with beta testing but trying to recruit affiliates in some black hat way which is probably against their terms. also i suspect that you are only trying to break even because just by doing this, you think you're going to get free marketing for your course which i guess is the end goal here? but why on earth wouldn't you be transparent in your posts so people know exactly what you are wanting and needing so people can make informed decisions?

people who don't care to share their agenda to others they plan to work with are some shady people and people who in my experience are up to no good. if i am right about your beta tester post then you posted in the wrong section and is against forum rules. the CORRECT section would be the self promotion section.

now you may think you're smarter than other people here on the forum, but two people already called you out with legit questions. o you are NOT smarter than they are....and you will NEVER be smarter than i am.

don't even bother responding. nothing you say is going to explain your deception unless you just come clean with it which i doubt THAT is gonna happen. so don't even bother responding and continue the decpetion just like you tried to do with your responses of the other two people who called you out. you gave half ass answers to legit questions and the answers to those questions were just as deceptive as your post....AND the beta tester post.

HERE ARE THE ACTUAL FACTS- you have been a member for 6 years and contributed NOTHING to the forum yet. you have 16 reps which suggest a leecher. for someone who says they don't spend a lot of time on this forum, you literally spent almost 250 hours on the forum. so that was a lie. you spend a great deal on time on this forum considering you have never contributed anything. so you're a leecher and now a liar.

why would anyone want to work with someone like this? you can't be trusted and you have already proven this by flat out lying. you may get other suckers to trust you, but i and a lot of others don't fall for the banana in the tail pipe

and to address your comment about staying away from your thread, well i am VERY interested in your thread and shady ass people who try to come in here to scam other people with their deceptive tactics and lies. these are traits of a SCAMMER. also, at the beginning of this post, i told you EXACTLY why i am in this section of the forum. your statement is also a way to get people NOT to call you out on your obvious bullshit. but it ain't gonna work here with me. in fact, it had the opposite effect. because of that one statement you made, i did my little quick research on you and made sure my post was EXTRA long with extra negative shit about you that other people can judge for themselves as well.

so i posted my opinion and i will leave it at that and let other people judge for their own selves. but if you plan on responding, you better believe i am not going away and will allow you to dig an even deeper hole for yourself.

(09-27-2022 06:32 AM)K1NGCED Wrote: [ -> ]
(09-27-2022 05:26 AM)Nokia1 Wrote: [ -> ]so with 3k daily and you can't afford google ads, hmmm

Obviously I'm having trouble with finding legit suppliers or else I wouldnt be posting here.

(09-27-2022 05:40 AM)redone111 Wrote: [ -> ]so with 3k daily and you can't afford VIP member fees?hmmmm

I don't need a V.I.P membership to post in the Joint Venture Section. I rarely even use this forum so I could careless about a V.I.P Membership.

If you're not interested in my thread, please stay away. No one cares about your negative opinions.
(09-28-2022 09:51 PM)California Kid Wrote: [ -> ]so i follow this section of the forum religiously. not because i want to jv or have a jv offer. because this is the 1 section of the forum where most of the scammers hang out. note, i am not calling you a scammer. but what i WILL say is this post is a little shady only because it's a bit confusing.

it is NOT obvious that you are having trouble finding legit suppliers until you just said you did. suppliers i am assuming are the suckers who let other people run campaigns on their account.

you could care less about a vip account? well a vip account would give you credibility and a better reputation when all you do is hang out in the request section where the leechers are and the buy/trade section. you just try to take from the forum and not give back. is this working out for you? my guess is that it's not. this isn't a road map to success. you not seeing value in something that actually has tremendous value is a weak mindset.

now on to my own opinion here on your post. the first thing i thought was if you have successful campaigns, it means you have done these campaigns to know they are successful. if that is the case, you have had google ad accounts to run them....or even just 1 because 1 is all you need and it's not that hard to get a google ads account.

so what's the problem here? it seems like the rules on google are being broken and the ad accounts don't last very long. so now i wonder what is REALLY going on here. you don't mention any sort of illegal campaigns or black hat campaigns that you are running. but whatever the case, i do know that you aren't supplying all the information someone would need to make an informed decision. the same questions pop up in my head with your latest beta tester post you made.

you said you created a course and need a beta tester. first of all, if this is ONLY some sort of trading system, then you don't need a beta tester. you just need someone to review your course. it's very easy to create a case study on your own. with a little further research, it's interesting to see that a commission from a tier 1 country is $250 which is the EXACT amount you will be giving someone from the united states(a tier 1 country). so it makes me believe that this has NOTHING to do with beta testing but trying to recruit affiliates in some black hat way which is probably against their terms. also i suspect that you are only trying to break even because just by doing this, you think you're going to get free marketing for your course which i guess is the end goal here? but why on earth wouldn't you be transparent in your posts so people know exactly what you are wanting and needing so people can make informed decisions?

people who don't care to share their agenda to others they plan to work with are some shady people and people who in my experience are up to no good. if i am right about your beta tester post then you posted in the wrong section and is against forum rules. the CORRECT section would be the self promotion section.

now you may think you're smarter than other people here on the forum, but two people already called you out with legit questions. o you are NOT smarter than they are....and you will NEVER be smarter than i am.

don't even bother responding. nothing you say is going to explain your deception unless you just come clean with it which i doubt THAT is gonna happen. so don't even bother responding and continue the decpetion just like you tried to do with your responses of the other two people who called you out. you gave half ass answers to legit questions and the answers to those questions were just as deceptive as your post....AND the beta tester post.

HERE ARE THE ACTUAL FACTS- you have been a member for 6 years and contributed NOTHING to the forum yet. you have 16 reps which suggest a leecher. for someone who says they don't spend a lot of time on this forum, you literally spent almost 250 hours on the forum. so that was a lie. you spend a great deal on time on this forum considering you have never contributed anything. so you're a leecher and now a liar.

why would anyone want to work with someone like this? you can't be trusted and you have already proven this by flat out lying. you may get other suckers to trust you, but i and a lot of others don't fall for the banana in the tail pipe

and to address your comment about staying away from your thread, well i am VERY interested in your thread and shady ass people who try to come in here to scam other people with their deceptive tactics and lies. these are traits of a SCAMMER. also, at the beginning of this post, i told you EXACTLY why i am in this section of the forum. your statement is also a way to get people NOT to call you out on your obvious bullshit. but it ain't gonna work here with me. in fact, it had the opposite effect. because of that one statement you made, i did my little quick research on you and made sure my post was EXTRA long with extra negative shit about you that other people can judge for themselves as well.

so i posted my opinion and i will leave it at that and let other people judge for their own selves. but if you plan on responding, you better believe i am not going away and will allow you to dig an even deeper hole for yourself.

(09-27-2022 06:32 AM)K1NGCED Wrote: [ -> ]
(09-27-2022 05:26 AM)Nokia1 Wrote: [ -> ]so with 3k daily and you can't afford google ads, hmmm

Obviously I'm having trouble with finding legit suppliers or else I wouldnt be posting here.

(09-27-2022 05:40 AM)redone111 Wrote: [ -> ]so with 3k daily and you can't afford VIP member fees?hmmmm

I don't need a V.I.P membership to post in the Joint Venture Section. I rarely even use this forum so I could careless about a V.I.P Membership.

If you're not interested in my thread, please stay away. No one cares about your negative opinions.

Did you just write an entire F****** Book report under my thread? You weirdos are Waaay too invested in my thread. Never in my life have I ever put this much effort into something that absolutely had nothing to do with me. You guys need to get a social life. There is a billion other things you could be doing with your life then pouring out your heart and soul to a bunch of random strangers on a blackhat forum. This is so F****** pathetic.
......hahahaha thanks for proving my point. this is EXACTLY what actual scammer do. they don't like it when people call them on their bullshit and they will create a distraction. they will act like a victim and blame the people calling them out on their bullshit. also, this is what narcissists do as well. they are at fault. they know they are at fault yet they will play the victim and blame other people.

you're d*** right i wrote a book after you downplayed two reputable members. and now a third reputable member.

you said it yourself you could care less about this forum so why are you posting on it and why do you care what the rest of us do?

i do what i do because i care about the forum....the exact OPPOSITE of you so i will protect it against people like you who only use this forum to take from it and possibly scam members.

if it's so pathetic that people care about this forum and want to protect it from people like you, get the F*** outta it then hahaha it's as simple as THAT. you can't control what we do but you can certainly control your own actions and choices like a big boy. it's not our fault you came here trying to leech and create shady threads. that's on YOU.

like i said.....the EXACT response that a scammer would give....or even a narcissist......or both even. honest people would elaborate and explain themselves seeing where they went wrong and not be so vague. you did the EXACT opposite. another negative sign.

hahahaha i told you exactly what i was gonna do if you responded. let's create some more activity in this thread so i can talk about how you're stalking me now and trying to research my behavior on the forum as you call it pathetic hahahaha.

your reaction is hilarious! and it just proved my points as well. just a whole bunch of red flags suround ya now so i will be remembering you now.... i guess it's almost time to respond in and to your beta test post where no doubt it is NOT a beta test but a way to get affiliates.

another reason why your full of shit. you came up with a trading course? why are you broke and can't afford shit if your trading course and strategy is successful?

nobody responded to you in that thread yet and the only people responding to you here are calling you out on your bullshit. you can't even be successful on this forum and get what you want. you don't even know how to write an appealing offer so you aren't even a good internet marketer either. what ARE you good at besides scamming people and pretending to be someone you aren't?
at least you edited your post to explain more about your offer and admit it's blackhat and that the accounts will be suspended banned eventually. i noticed you like to feel hurt, angry and resentful for google about that too like YOUR the victim...when it's YOU not trying top play within the rules. hahaha you're sooooo funny man.

so more of the truth comes out. more of the facts. so you are looking for someone that eventually accepts getting their account banned for hopefully a large some of money which you still failed to provide proof of or screen shots hahaha.

in my opinion just be seeing how act and your demeanor and being broke and unable to be successful any other way but blackhat ways, i have to question if you even have profitable campaigns. you're just trying to survive and make extra money any way you can as black hat tactics don't last very long. you're more of a smash and grab type of person rather than someone patient enough and willing enough and dedicated enough to think long term and create something that will last years rather than months.

let me clue you in on something. nobody in their right mind is going to want to sacrifice their google account for you. NOBODY!. so you will have to find a supplier of google accounts so you shouldn't give a shit if they become suspended or banned. you're not paying for them as you are looking for a partnership. but you admit yourself after you edited your original post that even your partnerships haven't worked out whether you actually bought those past google accounts or not. you're admiting that your way hasn't been working. so why the F*** would anyone want to work with you when YOU YOURSELF just admitted(after editing your post) that your shit ain't working and is unprofitable and a waste of your time???

reading what you wrote is like watching the worlds most dumbest criminals on t.v.. now i know why you were so vague in your original post. but now that you have come clean, you ain't gonna get any partnership here. you might as well move on to a place where people are dumber than you.... if that is even possible....
i love what you edited at the bottom of your post about us being losers. well this loser ain't going anywhere hahaha and you're just giving me motivation to respond in your beta test post to warn people of that too and not trade ANYTHING of their own money with your S***** course and only trade with the $250 in affiliate commissions you're willing to hand back over to them. but something in the back of my mind says you aren't being transparent in that thread either... i think in order to even get your commissions they would have to put down a deposit of some sort at the very least. and that would be the catch now wouldn't it.... no doubt you would have to spend some time trying to convince people to deposit money. i think i will have to warn people about that scammy shit. that offer should have been posted in self promotions.... you were just trying to find a clever way to post in another section.

you're as shady as F*** and i don't trust you at all.....
Any Earning proof????
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