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Squeeze Page Vector Graphics
[Image: vector-box.jpg]
Ultimate Squeeze Page Vector Pack.
Take your sales pages to the next level with professional vector artwork
Tired of seeing same sales page graphics over and over again?
Did you get burned on E-bay from other graphics packs that gave you 10 good images and a bunch of filler?
Then check out my exclusive Squeeze Page Vector Graphics Pack! It contains over 250 of the highest quality images found NOWHERE else on the web! (if
you find it elsewhere, please let me know so my attorney can have a
little fun!) There are no resell rights, so you won’t have the same
limp graphics as 100,000 other squeeze pages.

Not just vector graphics but the ENTIRE HTML/CSS SQUEEZE PAGE CODE!

Make your sales page unique and turn more visitors into customers by creating a professional sales page in WordPress or any other HTML editor!

The Vector Graphics Pack not only contains the layered vector files
for each image, but it also contains a fully commented HTML file with
all the HTML and CSS needed to quickly create your own professional
squeeze pages. Simply copy and paste the code into your sales page and add your content!


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Sales Page:

Looking for website header images and sales page header graphics?

Over 5,000 custom niche header images to use on your websites!

Ultimate Squeeze Page Vector Pack
Take your sales pages to the next level with professional vector artwork

Tired of seeing same sales page graphics over and over again?
Did you get burned on E-bay from other graphics packs that gave you 10 good images and a bunch of filler?

Then check out my exclusive Squeeze Page Vector Graphics Pack! It contains over 250 of the highest quality images found NOWHERE else on the web! (if you find it elsewhere, please let me know so my attorney can have a little fun!) There are no resell rights, so you won’t have the same limp graphics as 100,000 other squeeze pages.
Not just vector graphics but the ENTIRE HTML/CSS SQUEEZE PAGE CODE!

Make your sales page unique and turn more visitors into customers by creating a professional sales page in WordPress or any other HTML editor!

The Vector Graphics Pack not only contains the layered vector files for each image, but it also contains a fully commented HTML file with all the HTML and CSS needed to quickly create your own professional squeeze pages. Simply copy and paste the code into your sales page and add your content!
Samples of the vector images included in the Vector Graphics Pack
Bursts of all shapes and colors

Text Bursts to grab their attention

Arrows of many colors and styles

Icons great standalone or as list bullets

Action buttons guaranteed to get the point across

Bonus minisite header graphics to top off your page

I’m also including the layered graphics for the header images I built into my FlexSqueeze theme for WordPress. Header elements, images and colors can easily be changed to create unlimited combinations of header images.

Here’s a sample of some of the included header images:

Vector means they are EDITABLE!

I’ve included over 250 sample vector graphics to get you started, but the cool thing about vector graphics is they are entirely editable with Fireworks, Photoshop or any other program that can edit a layered PNG or PSD file!

Take our examples and combine them for new looks and attention-grabbing calls to action. Your squeeze pages will never look dull again!

Have you priced vector graphics lately?

I occassionally need vector graphics for projects I work on, and sometimes it saves me time buying them from stock sites rather than creating them from scratch. The only drawback is PRICE! One vector graphic to use on all your niche sites can cost over $170!

Take a look at the screenshots from a major stock vector graphic site. To buy their images, you first need to buy credits. You will pay $1.50 PER CREDIT if you buy 12 at a time.

After you have credits in your account and you find one vector image to purchase, you will have to pay 10 CREDITS just to get the ONE FILE DOWNLOAD!

Not only that, but if you want to use the image on a lot of different websites (as you probably need to) then you either have to repurchase the image again for $15.00 FOR EACH WEBSITE you use it on, or you can buy an extended license as shown below:

To buy an extended license for JUST ONE VECTOR IMAGE, you would pay 125 credits which is just over $170 at the credit pricing shown in the top chart!
Do the math: over 250 vector images if purchased

from a stock site with a SINGLE SITE license

would cost you over $3,750!

I’m offering you an unlimited-use license so you can use the graphics on any number of websites! If you purchased these images from a stock site with an unlimited use license,

you would pay over $42,500!

Also included: Bonus content elements!

I’m also throwing in the vector artwork that was used to create all the sales content elements in the included HTML squeeze page file. You’ll receive:

If you want to see this squeeze page content in action, check out our FlexSqueeze sales page. It uses the identical graphics, HTML and CSS as you’ll receive with the Vector Graphics Pack.

You’ll be able to create ANY sales page for ANY product in a matter of minutes!

The sales elements don’t change from page to page, just the content and the offer. So you can use and reuse the squeeze page elements over and over again!
Get the Squeeze Page Vector Pack for FREE in BBHF
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File ok only
I confirm all links down but Exabit which is requiring a premium account to download.
Good share, thanks
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