(08-16-2022 01:14 PM)zanderman Wrote: [ -> ] (08-16-2022 04:38 AM)solar33 Wrote: [ -> ]This sounds very much like another product shared
on here recently called CreateBank.
I will likely skip on this but appreciate the share.
Reps to HSE for sharing and to viriato for the OTO'S.
Createbank creates self updating video sites. This creates product review sites.
Ah! Okay, thanks for clarifying that zanderman.
Anybody has success with it ?
(08-22-2022 10:42 PM)BlackHatter4Life Wrote: [ -> ]Anybody has success with it ?
The idea of this project certainly is not bad. But the execution leaves a lot to be desired. If you send people straight to the website that is getting produced after having entered a few details, like site title and description, it will certainly not convert.
The formatting is horrible with large white spaces in between every line of copy and bullet points which are not in the correct place (1 line under each bullet point).
Moreover, several product images are not loading which leaves this ugly broken image symbol in those spots. I would dare to say if you can make money from this kind of site, you are probably also able to sell fridges to Eskimos...

And there's no way any bots will send "buyer traffic" automatically... if yes, why the h3ck they are selling this to you rather than doing it themselves.
This type of products are for newbies who will be amazed and buy into their "lies" - that's how it works.