08-09-2022, 06:56 AM
![[Image: B09NRD6RVC.01._SCLZZZZZZZ_SX500_.jpg]](https://m.media-amazon.com/images/P/B09NRD6RVC.01._SCLZZZZZZZ_SX500_.jpg)
Empath And Psychic Abilities: The Highly Sensitive People Practical Guide To Enhance Your Psychic Intuition, Expand Your Mind And Awake Your Hidden Inner Powers
★ Learn to access your empathic soul, and tap into your real powers ★
? Does your high sensitivity makes you often feel overly emotional and out of place?
? Do you feel there is so much more inside of you than what they deem "normal" out there?
? Are you looking for a clear guide to understanding what it really means to be an empath and how can you cultivate the powerful psychic abilities that are already within you?
If you answered yes to any of these questions, chances are that inside of you there are huge unrealized potentialities. If that's the case this book is for you.
Each of us is born with psychic abilities and a particularly refined sensitivity to great intuition… But then we get older, and as we deal with modern society - and negative people around us - these abilities are pushed away and are not encouraged to grow until people tend to forget about them. And when we forget about them our spirit starts getting older too.
An empath is someone who has never lost the connection with what is considered beyond human abilities, like an enhanced psychic intuition, a special sensitivity for people’s auras, telepathic communication, or innate clairvoyance that needs to be awakened.
As an empath, you have a natural gift, which is your duty to develop.
In fact, perceiving beyond the usual human senses can also affect those around you. You can fully develop your abilities and become a seer and a healer, and the go-to person to irradiate positive vibrations to your loved ones.
Here’s just a tiny example of what you’ll discover inside:
The 9 Powerful Techniques For Tapping Into Your Natural Psychic Empath Abilities
The 9 Struggle Points You May Experience As An Empath And How You Can Surpass Them
The 4 Main Types Of Psychic Intuition Abilities and the Surprising Secrets Behind Them
Astral Travel And Projection
How to Survive 7 Types of Emotional Vampires
The 8 Shielding Techniques To Protect Your Energy From Negative People
Practical Methods for the Empaths To Deal With Their Workplace
The Important Gifts A Psychic Empath Can Give To The World That Make Her Existence Fundamental
And Much More!
If you're anything like me, right now you are struggling with dealing with your gift. I want you to know you are one step away from a grandiose life.
This book will provide the information you need to make you dig deeper into the understanding of what you're really capable of.