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Full Version: [REQ] Rank n Bank by Luther Landro
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Pages: 1 2
Would you be willing to share where you can get it set up for $160?



(07-31-2022 06:58 PM)mehere001 Wrote: [ -> ]The course was garbage
2 conditions had to be met prior to working on this
The company had to be aready spending on google ads being the main one.
There is no outright provide a service and get $500, it is a matter of saying I will set this up for you for $500.
Such a simple thing to set up no one on this Planet would pay you that.
Luther shows where you can pay $160 for the set up so you pocket $340 with arbitration.

Luther is so full of shit.
would rank it 1/10 worst course I have ever bought
solar33, thanks for the post, +5 reps.

30 to 40 years ago people would laugh at folks buying bottled water, lol. That's for real, now look at it, it's a multi-billion dollar industry today. Never under estimate what people will pay for something.

You can call it trash if you want to, but LL knows this and you should too.

I hate to bring it up but Hitler and the Nazi's subverted a whole Christian nation with their lies, and the playbook of Mein Kampf is still alive and used by some to gain and keep power.

One politician was asked by the press, why do you have Mein Kampf on your night stand? He said "I have it on my night stand but I don't read it" and a lot of his followers believe it too.

That's like a guy saying my very beautiful wife sleeps with me naked every night but we don't have sex. wtf! and I'm suppose to believe that!!

Interested, does anybody have this course?
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