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Besides being high in vitamins, especially vitamin K, and good for digestive health, kale is high in antioxidants and has anti-inflammatory properties. It has also been shown to potentially help prevent certain cancers, and is a good inclusion in a detox program. These days, more and more people are using kale to support a healthy lifestyle.

The trick with kale is that you often want to consume it raw if you want to get maximum benefit. The problem for most people is that they can't find a fast, simple, and tasty way to get raw kale into their diet.

Juicing and drinking kale smoothies is one popular way to work raw kale into a diet, but many cookbooks over-complicate the process of juicing and don't standardize and simplify the process of making smoothies so that you can easily make a different recipe every day without wasting time or energy getting the ingredients and following the instructions.

There are tons of kale smoothie recipes out there, but what this book will do for you is teach you the basics of juicing kale so that you can make any recipe in it as quickly, easily, and painlessly as possible.

Each recipe has been carefully selected and edited to make the instructions simple to follow and to give you enough variety so that these 30 recipes will satisfy all of your kale juicing needs.

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