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It is no secret that more and more people are using social media these days. It is also not a secret that people are usually very open to share what they do and do not like on their preferred choices of social media outlets. Doesn’t make sense then to jump in and start promoting and branding your business where people are openly sharing the things that they like?

One of the areas where businesses will serve will is investing in a social media presence. If done properly this can yield huge returns. How many times have you had or have heard of friends asking for opinions on a product or service on Facebook or Google+? It happens quite often.

Follow along as I share what I consider to be the foundation of advertising using social media.
Simple Is Best

Your advertising campaigns should be straight to the point. You do not want to take the chance of confusing your potential consumer about what your business offers or does. Be clear and concise.
Be Creative And Fresh

There are a lot of people that go to sleep and wake with technology. Think about how many people out there fall asleep listening to music on their iPhone and wake up to the alarm on their phone? With this in mind, do not slip in the tech department. Keep up to date with the latest technologies in your advertising campaigns. You do not want to appear dated or irrelevant.
Know Your Market And Your Audience

How are you going to promote your product or service if you have no idea how to relate to the market you are entering? You do not want to use a social media outlet simply because it is a social media outlet. You want to be able to utilize the places that your market frequent. This ties in with the fact that you should also know your audience. Seriously folks, if you miss this you are going to have a hard time effectively marketing your product/service period.
Which Social Media Outlet Will Pack The Biggest Bang

I suggest using places that offer a wide and diverse audience to maximize exposure. Right off I can think of three places that are huge and diverse: Facebook, Youtube, and Linkedin. With Linked In and Facebook you can also do some targeting to help with relevancy. Facebook has an amazing platform for targeting.
Make Yourself Seen

Include yourself in one of the social media sites. This will allow you to interact with your audience and listen to their questions and feedback. If done properly, you can actually ask your audience exactly what they would like to purchase and then present the exact service or product they want. Can you imagine how drastically that would increase ROI?

Keep these pointers in mind as you build out your social campaigns. There is a reason that most of the big brand companies you can think of now have a social presence. Simply put, it is because it works!
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