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Full Version: Happy Birthday Layna
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Hey Layna, I'm a little late to your Birthday Party here but I still wanted to wish you a Happy Belated Birthday!

Always good to celebrate another year here on Earth alive and kicking!


[Image: bday-643.gif]
Happy Belated Birthday!
The thing I feared most happened. First, I kept trying to post a reply and no matter what it didn't show. Now ALL of my posts are coming up back-to-back. Either there's something wrong with my computer or the forum. Weird.

It's NOT your computer, sometimes that happens here at BBHF as I've done the posting several times because the post didn't show up after I hit the Post Reply Key....and then I try it again, and again and again only to see I've posted the same thing several times. So, no worries your computer if fine it's just a glitch on the website for a short period of time.
I too, had that problem last night (my post didn't show up after hitting the Post Reply Key) but since it had happened to me in the past, I didn't try posting again, and again, and sure enough when I checked this thread in the morning, my post had showed up.
It's NOT your computer, sometimes that happens here at BBHF as I've done the posting several times because the post didn't show up after I hit the Post Reply Key....and then I try it again, and again and again only to see I've posted the same thing several times. So, no worries your computer if fine it's just a glitch on the website for a short period of time.
I too, had that problem last night (my post didn't show up after hitting the Post Reply Key) but since it had happened to me in the past, I didn't try posting again, and again, and sure enough when I checked this thread in the morning, my post had showed up.

Okay, I guess I DID hit it once again, since it's been posted twice......arggghhhhhhhhhh
Happy Birthday Layna!!
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