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Full Version: [REQ] Zero To Hero Affiliate: $131,409 Net Profit In One Week
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Pages: 1 2
(06-24-2022 08:32 PM)show Wrote: [ -> ]
(06-24-2022 11:19 AM)sucralose Wrote: [ -> ]He's not promoting a 'secret' traffic source, so I'm assuming FB ads....

No, we already asked and it is NOT:

Facebook Ads
Google Ads
YouTube Ads
Bing Ads
Pinterest Ads
Instagram Ads
Twitter Ads
TikTok Ads
Quora Ads
Linkedin Ads

Amazon ads and media buying are all that's left, except for
maybe Quora lol.

IM products sales matters these days are what it's 'not', but they
never reveal. We have to pay for it
This looks good...anyone got this...bump bump
It's CPA using
Pages: 1 2
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