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Full Version: [REQ] IG0R E-Farming
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Hey BBHF team...

Has anyone run across this little gem?

Igor's E-farming course

Sales Page

I found a discounted offer here...

looks interesting...

bump for this course
The price of this is $997. It looks like the $49 program (discount) is for the 30-DAY E-FARMING CHALLENGE - SPECIAL OFFER and does not include the Fast Action Bonuses: Advanced e-Farming
1-Click Done-For-You e-Farm
How To Build Your First 10,000 Person e-Farm Fast
Free e-Farming Campaign Critique
e-Farm Profits Multiplier Site
6-Step Advanced e-Farming Checklist
$100K e-Farming Campaign Case Study
e-Farming Promo-In-A-Box System
Private Done-For-You Income Streams
7 Most Profitable e-Campaigns
E-farming sounds a lot like building an E-mail list.
I think e-farming is a fancy word for listbuilding.
His SP shows a video that has ZERO controls - and it is VERY long too, so you cannot skip through all the $$$ brags, which are also dead giveaways for overblown fakery.

That long, drawn out video is actually still blathering on and on as I am typing this...ugh.

His 'success guarantee' is a sucker deal as it does NOT cover customer satisfaction at all.
The prompting to 'act fast' while he is wasting my time with his VSL is highly irritating !!

Waiting for it to reveal his $197 price whilst yakking endlessly about his bonuses and such.

In fact, I am normally a very non-violent man - but if he were here in person I'd kick him - HARD, where it actually hurts ALOT, just for all the time of mine that his VSL has wasted tonight !!!

Angry And the longer he blathers on and on, the angrier it makes me and the more I type here - what an utter a$$hole he is !!! 16devil

I seriously don't give a flying f*ck about all the $ numbers and testy-monials that are STILL going on and on and on - holy sh*t.

After ALL this wasted time - the horrid thing ended after all the fakey sounding claims without EVER showing the supposed $197 'buy now' link AT ALL !!!

Hitface A total jerk-off IMO. Hitface

The ONLY result of this is convincing me beyond any doubt that this seller is a total huckster who should really pay ME for all the time of mine that he wasted tonight. Mad Slap

If one also visits his base URL, he is selling even MORE of his blathering, endless krap via webinar - meh - none for me, thanks, BUT=>
He IS the perfect target for sharing all his krap for free here if anyone can grab it !!!
(06-29-2022 03:38 PM)MonicaRH Wrote: [ -> ]I think e-farming is a fancy word for listbuilding.

Right. He's selling it like it's something 'new'.

I guess he's aiming for complete noobs who've never heard
of the super-secret e-farming weapon called Aweber...

Thanks for the request though!
Quote:That long, drawn out video is actually still blathering on and on as I am typing this...ugh.

LOL! Heeeellllla long just to say building an email list is so wonderful and anyone can do it too!!!

If anyones ever heard of a Cadillac Cimmaron - it's just a dressed-up, 'luxury' Chevy Cavalier
with a Caddy hood ornament. That's what this sperm byproduct is pitching with his re-branded
'e-farming' course...
Just anudder guru wannabee feeding on the unwary as others have said, BUT:

For anyone desperately wanting to waste $197 - here, have at it:

Igor has 3 different sales landing pages. One for $997, one for $197 and one for $49. He's something else.
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