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Are You Tired of Getting Sick all the Time?
If so, it’s not your fault. Most often, your body is fighting an invisible enemy that is trying to kill you. That’s why you get sick all the time. In fact, you probably get sick more than you do anything else. When you get sick, your body is trying to give you what it thinks is the best chance it has to fight off the “bad guy” (virus or bacteria).
But the truth is, when your body is fighting an infection, it is actually creating antibodies that are literally “starving” the germs/viruses for nutrients.

That’s why many people who get a flu shot every year almost never get the flu. Instead, they get a mild cold that lasts a few days. That’s because their bodies are busy creating those “starving” antibodies.

What if you could make it easier on your Immune System?
This is an immune system defense guidebook about how to boost your body’s natural defenses. It contains information you may not have considered before, and shows you how to improve your energy levels, reduce stress, get a better night’s sleep, disease fighting capability, vitality and longevity.
But I have more to share with you.
Did you know a healthy immune system is the body's primary defense against disease and infection?
It is also the body's primary defense against cancer. Your immune system is made up of many different types of white blood cells. Each type is specially designed to fight a certain type of disease or infection.
There are T-Cells which battle bacteria and viruses. B-Cells which attack foreign proteins (bodies created by bacteria or viruses that have invaded your body and is making you sick). And finally, there are antibodies which seek out and destroy the foreign invaders.
Antibodies are like police officers sent in to destroy viruses.

Why Should You Take Boosting of Your Immune System Seriously?
A weakened or exhausted immune system defense makes you more vulnerable to illness and disease
Help protect your body against harmful viruses and bacteria that cause colds, the flu and other illnesses.
Help support a healthy weight so you don't put extra stress on your heart and circulatory system.
Help increase your energy levels throughout the day.
Help improve your memory and focus.
Help cleanse your lymphatic system.
Help keep your skin healthy and toxin-free.
A properly nourished, strong immune system gives you the best chance of staying healthy and fighting off infections
The foods you eat have a direct effect on the strength and activity of your immune system
An unhealthy immune system can lead to chronic fatigue, depression, weight gain, and many other health problems
When you have a strong immune system, you have the energy to fight off colds and the flu
Your white blood cells, antibodies, and phagocytes (specialized cells that ingest and destroy unwanted invaders) work better, which means they attack cancer cells, HIV, and other diseases
Your body makes antibody “swipe files” that contain information on what it has previously encountered. If you come across a microbe or virus you have never before seen, your immune system will create a “virtual” immunity to it.
Your immune system is able to distinguish between “friend” and “foe”. This means that if you are fighting an infection, your body treats the invader as a threat, and works to get rid of it.
...and more!
This immune system booster book suitable for kids and adults is the body’s defense against viruses, bacteria, fungi (mold), and certain types of cancer. It works in conjunction with your nervous system, your lymphatic system, and your cardiovascular system. Basically, it’s everything working together to keep you healthy. When your defenses are strong, you are less likely to fall prey to viruses, bacteria, etc.

Great !!!!!!!!!!!! Max Repsss !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thanks mate! You have eyes for some amazing topics!
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