04-22-2022, 04:07 PM
George W. Haylings
George W. Haylings
The Info Marketer Who Laughed at the Depression
Anyone care to join me for a sentimental stroll down memory lane...?
In this edition, I'm posting a memorial to famed marketer George Haylings. Few of you BBHF members are old enough to know who I'm talking about but some of you do.
Here's a brief overview of Haylings' background:
- He got his start at age 19 during the Great Depression, when he left Detroit for a new start in southern California
- He didn't have a job, a boss, or much money
- He sold his car for $200 and lived on a beach in a camper
- He truly lived a life of leisure --- enjoying the surrounding nature, bartering for services, living off the land, etc.
- He didn't have a family to support (as a young man) and had a lot of free time
- He wrote and sold info-products using tiny classified ads
- These ads offered FREE BOOKs that were actually sales letters to entice his readers to buy his info products
- He ended up becoming a best-selling author and entrepreneur
- He was little-known but become a direct mail legend
Do you remember classified ad headlines and info product titles like these "back-in-the-day..."?
* DISCOVERED! 505 Odd Enterprises [A 1949 classified ad in a business opportunities magazine]
* 125 Ways to Make Money With Your Typewriter
* 2042 Unique, Proven Enterprises [A classified ad in Popular Science magazine]
* Profitunities: A Most Unusual Book
* Vacations Unlimited: A Retirement Kit Comprising Plans, Data and Secrets Dealing With Early, Successful Retirement (as you can see from the illustration in my post header, Amazon is charging nearly $1,000 for this Haylings classic).
Like any marketer, Haylings' efforts produced some winners and some losers. His depression-era small business products were perennial winners but his coin investing advice product flopped. Check out these blog posts for the details.
Magic Button :
George Haylings: Info Marketer Who Laughed at the Depression
Recession Beater #7: The Coming Business Opportunity Explosion
The Prophet Whose Coin Investing Advice Was Not So Great
And while InfoMarketingBlog.com's title, "The Info Marketer Who Laughed At The Depression" is a tongue-in-cheek expression to entice blog readership, Haylings didn't literally laugh --- but he embraced it because he saw a ripe opportunity where others saw adversity. He saw fortune where others saw misfortune. He flourished where others floundered.
It's all about the mindset.
Unfortunately, his works --- classics like A Lifetime of Homework (sometimes referred to as A Lifetime of Leisure) and his classified teaser - FREE BOOK: 2042 Unique, Proven Enterprises --- are all but impossible to find.
But you're in luck because BBHF's very own taharoyal52 posted a mirror link for A Lifetime of Leisure that was shared on BBHF in 2014 and the Mega link still works as of today (Thursday, April 21, 2022)!
Get it here...
Magic Button :
Go to post #68:
Or go directly to the link here:
That download consists of these 4 PDFs:
- A Lifetime of Homework - ebook.pdf
- Bonus: Complete Money Making Kit.pdf
- Bonus: Overseas Mailorder - ebook.pdf
- Bonus: Think and Grow Rich.pdf
Also, I was quite lucky to find a website that has hyperlinked chapters of two of Haylings' other products. I'll share them further below.
So, in the spirit of nostalgia (and in the interest of getting inspired ideas for selling your own info-products in tough economic times) please read Haylings' works. You will certainly learn a thing or two.
August 27, 1912 - July 13, 2003
Old George is no longer on the face of the earth; actually, he's been gone since 2003, but his 2042 Unique, Proven Enterprises freebie came to mind out of nowhere today and, for me, it brought back memories of a simpler time.
People were more trusting because marketers were more trustworthy. They put out products that gave value in exchange for their customer's hard-earned money. Unlike today, there were no $2,500 courses with a gazillion mp4 videos that drone on and on.
Haylings' indomitable marketing savvy was the stuff of legend and his methods are as timely today as ever before with all the news about inflation, recession, and emerging COVID variants.
Times may be hard but that's when savvy marketers profit most.
As you read Haylings' stuff, keep in mind, this guy went from unemployed and virtually penniless as a young man during the Great Depression, to a wildly successful direct marketing legend over his lifetime --- mainly with small ads in magazines like Popular Science and on the back pages of small business opportunity magazines.
Most people struggle with writing a long-form sales letter. Imagine selling info products from a tiny classified ad with cramped text like Haylings did here (I put a red box over his ad to highlight it)...
GEO. W. HAYLINGS STUFF: The links below go to an web page of chapters for the two Hayling's info products listed below. You can read the e-books online or use a print-to-PDF tool to capture each chapter and save them to your computer.
Magic Button :
Discovered: 505 Odd Enterprises: An Inspirational Collection
of 713 Unusual But Practical Ideas, Suggestions and Plans for
Building a Spare- or Full-Time Business (2nd edition)
Hidden Dollars
NOTE: Chapter 15 is skipped for some reason. Maybe Chapter 14 is a double chapter.
So, could Haylings' marketing methods work today?
Maybe not...
If you "can't see the forest for the trees," you will only see Haylings' methods for what they were. In that regard, it becomes harder to sell directly from tiny classified ads today because fewer people read them. Many magazines have gone digital and direct mail can be quite expensive for small businesses. Postal mail delivery today leaves a lot to be desired.
If you're willing to "think outside the box" you will be able to take from Hayling's methods what could still work in today's marketing environment and add enhancements using current best practices that could kick your marketing efforts up to Next Level status!
It's all in your mindset.
You are in a unique and advantageous position that the internet affords average people. It leverages the playing field. You can go digital and enjoy benefits that George Haylings didn't have.
It starts with being like George Haylings. When times are hard, try to look for the gems of opportunity hiding in plain sight.
Not many people will see them so you stand to benefit when you think them through then take action.
VIRUS TOTAL: Please run a local scan on your downloads.
If you're seeing this post anywhere other than bestblackhatforum.com
or being shared by anyone other than Layna61524, then that's where/who
or being shared by anyone other than Layna61524, then that's where/who
Enjoy the read and the links!