04-21-2022, 11:21 AM
Dash Diet:: The Ultimate Guide to Reduce Blood Pressure and Lose Weight - 28 Days Meals Plane with 100 Healthy Recipes Full of Flavor. Super Easy 30 – Minute Cookbook for Busy People
Does hypertension run in your family?
Are you battling with lowering your blood pressure?
Do you know that your diet has an effect on whether or not you’ll have hypertension ?
If you’ve tried all the diet fads in search of a sustainable way to improve your health then you’re definitely ready to trade these fads for a tried and tested solution:
The DASH diet
This book explores research findings on the DASH diet, how you can follow it and limit your intake of sodium to the recommended amount.
It also delves into some menus and recipes that you can enjoy while on this diet. Also inside are great tips to help you start the DASH eating plan and make it a lifestyle.
The DASH diet has consistently been ranked the best for a reason:
It’s realistic
It's flexible
It's balanced
This eating plan includes common foods offering a multitude of benefits for all ages. The flexibility of this diet makes it easier for you to make changes where necessary to adapt it to your needs. This diet has been backed by scientific research as a commitment to improved health among people living with high blood pressure and those with prehypertension.
Today, the kind of lifestyle we live is altogether different from what our precursors had. With the invasion of technology into our lives, we are getting busier and our life is full of pressure and stress and some of it likewise relies upon the manner in which we eat and what we eat.
One of the real highlights of the DASH diet is restricting the admission of sodium, and consumption of nuts, entire grains, fish, poultry, foods grown from the ground. DASH Diet likewise encourages bringing down the consumption of red meats, desserts, and sugar. DASH diet food is rich in potassium, magnesium, calcium, protein, and fiber. The diet means to reduce to the systolic and diastolic blood pressure in patients, in the meantime giving them a day by day caloric admission of 1699 to 3100 dietary calories. Since the DASH diet includes a high quotient of hostile to oxidant rich foods, it can avert ceaseless health issues like malignancy, heart illnesses, and stroke.
By being on the DASH diet you won't just lower your blood pressure, you will likewise, extraordinarily, decrease your danger of coronary illness.
Since your aim is to control blood pressure, make DASH diet in conjunction with lifestyle changes can help you on this journey. It also can help you lose weight by simply changing your eating habits and incorporating exercise into your daily routine.
The main focus is to do something about what we can change-our lifestyle choices. Look at your lifestyle habits and decide where you can start the changes. Healthy lifestyle promotes happiness, decrease stress and improve overall health. Exercise is extremely important to lower your blood pressure.
This book covers the following topics:
What is the DASH Diet?
Pillars of the super-health
Fundamentals and benefits of the dash diet
The enemies to fight: sodium and sugar
Each recipe list the amount of sodium
28 Days Meal Plan