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@StillStanding: Yes, my friend, you're absolutely right. I saw this mentioned in several places in doing my research. In fact, dubious is putting it kindly. Still, I thought his stuff was all over the web so why not grab it. If anyone's like me, I read for entertainment and cull from it any value as I go; I don't take every printed word as truth. But I'm glad you mentioned this because I intended on adding that as a footnote and simply forgot (I'm not as young as I used to be!). So thank you for posting the link that explains it all. The "Managing Director" (John Harrison) even posted to one of his sites trying to disprove some of the comments he's seen about his company and it was the stuff of comedy to read.

And I join you in thanking (and max repping) chinnu for posting the link to Vince Graham's 7-Minutes-A-Day Miracle Body Sculpting Programme. All one has to do to make the link work is add: "http://" at the start of the URL.

@chinnu: You are correct! That IS the right link. I want to thank you for sharing it. It's crazy that the "thank-you" link the company published for the download goes to the Narconomics_Manual PDF. If you don't mind, I am going to grab the link you posted and add it back to the mix. I will also refer to you as a credit for posting it. I appreciate that!

for reading!
Nice stuff. Thank you. +Reps.
@lynch: Hi, there. Thank you!

for liking my shares!
Thanks layna61524, great share as always, reps added

Very nice share Layna, thank you
Hi Layna,
No need to ask for any permission. Whatever that increases the value of share and ease of downloading, please feel free to do so- now and forever, from any of my few shares now and in future.

Thank you for all your contributions and especially "all in one mirrors" that ease much work.


(03-30-2022 07:02 AM)layna61524 Wrote: [ -> ]@StillStanding: Yes, my friend, you're absolutely right. I saw this mentioned in several places in doing my research. In fact, dubious is putting it kindly. Still, I thought his stuff was all over the web so why not grab it. If anyone's like me, I read for entertainment and cull from it any value as I go; I don't take every printed word as truth. But I'm glad you mentioned this because I intended on adding that as a footnote and simply forgot (I'm not as young as I used to be!). So thank you for posting the link that explains it all. The "Managing Director" (John Harrison) even posted to one of his sites trying to disprove some of the comments he's seen about his company and it was the stuff of comedy to read.

And I join you in thanking (and max repping) chinnu for posting the link to Vince Graham's 7-Minutes-A-Day Miracle Body Sculpting Programme. All one has to do to make the link work is add: "http://" at the start of the URL.

@chinnu: You are correct! That IS the right link. I want to thank you for sharing it. It's crazy that the "thank-you" link the company published for the download goes to the Narconomics_Manual PDF. If you don't mind, I am going to grab the link you posted and add it back to the mix. I will also refer to you as a credit for posting it. I appreciate that!

for reading!
Thank you for sharing the link. It is a interesting read.

(03-30-2022 01:48 AM)StillStanding Wrote: [ -> ]Thanks layna for the share. Max reps added. I don't take much stock in streetwise publications though, as they have a very dubious reputation. At the very least you've kept people from buying their over-hyped material and then finding they've been ripped off!

Here is a link that details the quality of their stuff if anybody's interested.


BTW, reps to chinnu for the link for the 7 Minute Body Sculpting e-book.
Thanks for share and additional contributions.. reps+++
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