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Member's Page:

Note: Click the Escape (ESC) key on your keyboard the second the page loads. Register and enjoy.

Thanks for sharing reps added
Nice share thanks reps added
it takes to login page only the create account is just for a millisecond
(03-21-2022 09:11 PM)SuperSnooper221 Wrote: [ -> ]it takes to login page only the create account is just for a millisecond

No Problem..
Click on Login..
Use These..

Password- Welcome2021
(03-21-2022 09:28 PM)pinstripe Wrote: [ -> ]
(03-21-2022 09:11 PM)SuperSnooper221 Wrote: [ -> ]it takes to login page only the create account is just for a millisecond

No Problem..
Click on Login..
Use These..

Password- Welcome2021

You can also try reloading the page and QUICKLY as soon as the new page loads, click the Escape Key (ESC) several times and it will STOP the page on the signup page BEFORE it goes to the signin page.....if it doesn't work and it does go to the signin page, then reload again and try it again (you must be very FAST clicking the ESC key, so it might take you several times of reloading and clicking to get it to work!)

Have fun, it works, it just might take you a while to get it to work!

PS - I tried this in the Edge Browser.
(03-21-2022 09:28 PM)pinstripe Wrote: [ -> ]
(03-21-2022 09:11 PM)SuperSnooper221 Wrote: [ -> ]it takes to login page only the create account is just for a millisecond

No Problem..
Click on Login..
Use These..

Password- Welcome2021
thanks sir repped you sir

thanks sir repped you sir

(03-21-2022 10:43 PM)mthomas Wrote: [ -> ]
(03-21-2022 09:28 PM)pinstripe Wrote: [ -> ]
(03-21-2022 09:11 PM)SuperSnooper221 Wrote: [ -> ]it takes to login page only the create account is just for a millisecond
thnks sir repped you too sir
No Problem..
Click on Login..
Use These..

Password- Welcome2021

You can also try reloading the page and QUICKLY as soon as the new page loads, click the Escape Key (ESC) several times and it will STOP the page on the signup page BEFORE it goes to the signin page.....if it doesn't work and it does go to the signin page, then reload again and try it again (you must be very FAST clicking the ESC key, so it might take you several times of reloading and clicking to get it to work!)

Have fun, it works, it just might take you a while to get it to work!

PS - I tried this in the Edge Browser.
Thanks for share, Latitude/Apollo 22 and other products mixed and dumped to gullible buyers..!!
bought a version of this about a year ago, it involves airdrops. I applied for about 30 airdrops at the time. You have to jump through hoops to get like $2 worth of coin, which you cant touch untill you have around $50 minimum in your wallet. Not worth the amount of spam you get tbh.
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