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Full Version: [GET] Cybernetic Octopus by Jamie Lewis
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Pages: 1 2
yea, he'll give ya $500 if you can't rank for one of the easiest keywords that doesn't generate any traffic haha

i don't even need to go to his live webinar or sales page to read further to call him out. nice marketing tactic though. unfortunately it's very deceptive and people love falling for this deceptive shit....

i am not saying his method wont work, but from the looks of it, this method is only good for short term and not long term and you're spending so much time and effort and energy to make pennies in the short term

people need to think more LONG TERM(2-3 years down the road and longer) but i guess it's an ok method from the looks of it for a newbie to learn and grow from....but don't expect much more out of it than that....
Thank you *SEO Expert* for sharing, Reps added.
(03-05-2022 06:44 AM)Bobhenry Wrote: [ -> ]Thanks and reps for the share.
For those of you reading this and wondering what it's all about: it's about using parasites for ranking. The parasites are:
  • Google Sites
  • Youtube
  • LinkedIn
  • Medium
  • Vimeo
  • Facebook
  • Quora
  • Reddit

There's also a set of simple SEO tools, but you can find any of them online for free.

Not enough content here to do even a half decent job, so it's just fluff with a funky name. (Wonder if they asked Dawud about that?)

Thanks for the share, SEO Expert +5 reps.

But wait, for a few dollars more you can get the OTO and have all tools you'll ever need...

I can't speak to this particular product. But Jamie Lewis, like Jason Fulton, is well known for not honoring his own refund guarantees.
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