02-20-2022, 10:57 PM
Ron LeGrand and Dan Kennedy - Platform Speaking And Sales Bootcamp
NOTE from G.S.
I have had a few people reach out to me about this course. Sorry for the late reply, my keyboard time has been limited as I have been on a personal mission...
(From the Original Sales page)
Dear Friend, Can you see yourself in a part-time business where you can literally create six figure paychecks on demand while simultaneously setting up back-end, passive income streams that produce money without your participation? Have you ever thought you’d like to be in the seminar business so you could fill a room with raving fans and make a lot of money quickly? Or do you have aspirations to be a speaker, where you can take the stage and sell products, selling as much as $250,000 an event? Or maybe you’re already a speaker and would like to work less and make more a lot more. Either way I can help. I can help you have a business where you help change peoples lives and get an endless stream of testimonials, thank you letters, gifts and even hugs wherever you go.
I do all these things and I’ll be sharing everything I know about the seminar and boot camp business in a very special home study system. It’s called the SPEAKER and PROMOTERS BOOT CAMP HOME STUDY SYSTEM.
That’s right, it’s a combo course. Learn how to promote amazing seminars and boot camps, and, if you’re interested, learn how to be a platform speaker. Do both and you’ll really be raking in the dough! I want to give you the opportunity to learn both sides of this business. But first…
Let me tell you a little about myself (after all, I’ve made millions doing this myself) and then I’ll share all the elements of a successful seminar business with you. Read on for the exciting details that can make you rich!
My name is Ron LeGrand and I’ve filled and conducted seminars and boot camps for 20 years now. We do almost 100 boot camps per year ranging in price from $1,500 – $6,000. They last three to five days in length and have an average attendance of 150 people. Add to that over 150 one-day workshops a year, some with over 400 people, and I guess it’s fair to say I understand this business.
I’ve also been a speaker at events all over North America and delivered speeches from 35 minutes long to 5 day training events. I can’t remember a single one of those times I didn’t sell at least $25,000 worth of products with only the words from my lips.
You don’t have to create a machine of this size to get wealthy quick. Any one of our one-day events average enough net profit to pay most job slaves for a full year. The net profit from a three-day boot camp rivals the annual salary of a top corporate CEO.
In my Speaker and Promoter Home Study System, I’ll show you how to work from both ends of the business and you’ll be able to use what suits you best. We no longer offer the live events for these trainings, but we’ve put them on CDs and DVDs so you get all the same information, plus the manuals and workbooks, to use right from your own home. With all this information, you’ll have the knowledge to create a business from either side of the stage – on it or behind it. For starters, let me tell you about the Promoting side.
Here’s a real life example of how you can start and run a seminar business from scratch and not be an expert on anything. To do so I’ll have to disclose some family secrets and probably embarrass my daughter, Vicki, a little. I’ll just do it and ask her permission later.
In 1999 Vicki got tired of working for the corporate machine we built from a $10 seminar and decided to start her own business. She had no products. She isn’t a speaker or an expert on anything. She decided to sell information products because that’s what she and I had done most of her adult life.
We put our heads together and licensed a couple products we started selling by mail. Soon she got the idea to create a seminar and teach others how to sell information products. She knew she wasn’t going to be the one to teach the seminar so she got the smartest, best qualified, most handsome and modest guy on the planet to teach it…ME.
Then I teamed up with my marketing mentor Dan Kennedy and we put together a format and built the three-day seminar from scratch in about 3 days. To this point, Vicki didn’t have a dime in this venture because she talked us into waiting until after the event to get paid. In Dan’s case, his payment was a percentage of his sales he made at the event.
I think they call this one of those nothing down deals. Anyway, here’s the numbers from Vicki’s first 3-day boot camp she had us create and deliver while she stood in the back of the room and processed credit cards... (no numbers provided in my copy of the words from this old sales letter)
CD 1
1. Ron’s Overview of Bootcamp
2. Ron’s Success w/ Speaking/Sales
3. Guest Introductions
4. Dan Kennedy - Building a Speech
CD 2
1. Dan K. - Building a Speech (cont’d)
2. Building a Speech That Sells
3. Reveal Something New to the Audience
4. Kennedy’s Speech Transcript
5. Take Control of the Audience
6. Issues
CD 3
1. Ron and Panel. - Building a Speech (cont’d)
2. Ron Starts His Close
3. Questions
4. Credibility
5. Image Perception
6. Basic Philosophies
7. RE Profit Centers
8. style - Wright’s Comments
9. Ron’s Close (cont’d)
10. Bonuses
CD 4
1. Ron and Panel - Building a Speech (cont’d)
2. Humor
3. Step by Step Process
4. Suits For Presentation
5. Ethics
6. Boring Stories?
7. Ron’s Video Close
8. Creating A Rush
9. Leading the Rush
10.Critique of Ron’s Close
CD 5
1. Key Ingredient to a Close
2. Building an Irresistible Offer
3. Involve Audience
4. Testimonials
5. Justify Cost
6. Don’t Drag Close
7. Wright’s Close (preamble)
8. Wright’s Close - Part 1
CD 6
1. Wright’s Close (cont’d)
2. Wright’s Close Critiqued
3. Presentation Positioning
4. Order Forms vs. Stamped
5. Product Support
6. Pricing Survey
7. Flashy Jewelry
8. Comments on Close
9. Irresistible Offers
10.Product Guaranties
CD 7
1. Letter Book
2. Try Before You Buy
3. Ron’s TV Show Examples
4. The Only Thing That Matters
5. Sense Of Urgency
CD 8
1. Creating Products
2. Platform Selling
3. How Does It Look From the Stage?
4. Product List
5. Price Judgment
6. Big Chance
7. Package vs. Cafeteria
8. Build Value
9. Premiums and Bonuses
10. Advanced secrets
CD 9
1. Advanced secrets (cont’d)
2. Pricing
3. Nightingale Conant Influence
4. Advanced Secrets
5. The 5%
6. Odd vs. Even
7. Order Forms
8. More Advanced Secrets
9. Transcript Book
CD 10
1. Product Sales
2. Global Sales
3. Income Streams # 1
4. Income Streams # 2
5. Income Streams # 3 and # 4
6. Testimonials
CD 11
1. Selling Environment
2. Bob Campana’s Close
3. Audience Critique 1
4. Audience Critique 2
5. Audience Critique 3
6. Ron and Panel Critique
7. Delivering a Speech
8. Wright’s Intro For Ron
9. Using Visuals
CD 12
1. Using Visuals (cont’d)
2. Overhead vs. PowerPoint
3. Umms and Ahhhs
4. Loren - Health Fasting
5. Getting Back to Basics
6. Room Environments
7. Hecklers
CD 13
1. Lou Brown’s Close
2. Ted Thomas
3. Steven Roth
CD 14
1. Copyright and Sales
2. General Leads
3. Campaign Testimonies
4. Campaign Letters (Part 2)
5. Joint Venture Partners
6. Outbound Telemarketers
CD 15
1. Panel Comments
2. Building a Back-end
3. Speaking Is Long Term Income
4. Dan’s Staffing
5. Panel’s Staffing
6. Back End Options
7. License Products
8. Joint Venture
9. Products You Can Create
CD 16
1. Products You Can Create
2. Coaching
3. Teleconferencing
4. Good Marketing Plan
5. Voice Mail Blasts
CD 17
1. Booking Arrangements
2. Measuring Success
3. Note Owl - Bonus Session
4. Naming (Sex Sells)
5. A/V promotion
6. Speaking Often
7. Use Media and Fill the Room
8. Whether or not to Charge Admission
9. Creative Work
CD 18
1. Speaking Often ( cont’d)
2. Presentation Format
3. Merchant Accounts
4. Product Ready For Delivery
5. Examine Numbers Realistically
6. Self-directed IRAs
7. Multiple Streams of Income
CD 19
1. Wright’ Multiple Streams Of Income ( cont’d)
2. Ron’s Multiple Streams
3. Dan’s Multiple Streams
4. Ernie’s Multiple Streams
5. Jeff Kaller’s Close
6. Rick’s Revenue Flow Stream
7. CD Vs Tape
8. Dan’s Critique of Jeff Kaller’s Close
9. Ron’s Critique of Jeff Kaller’s Close
CD 20
1. Ron’s Critique of Jeff’s Close (cont’d)
2. Ernie’s Comments on Jeff’s Close
NOTE from G.S.
This is an Audio course ONLY. You will need ALL 3 parts before you can unzip this. I used 7Zip to make it.
2022-02-21: UPDATE
Please read Post #2 from Theo1 AND Post #4 from me... Together, this gives you the missing Manuals from this awesome package.
2022-02-22: UPDATE
Please read Post #9 from Theo1 AND Post #10 from me.... More Treasure on how to Power Present for Added Impact and add more to your bottom line!
Reps are always appreciated.