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Power Vsl

[Image: 750mockup-CERTIFICATE.png]


Let's review the contents - FE
20 Video Sales Latter Templates in 9 Type
10 Logo intro PowerPoint Templates
10 Call to actions PowerPoint templates
10 YouTube end video PowerPoint Templates
20 Mockup Promotions Design in PSD
20 Google Animated ads banner in 5 Ratio
Marketing Sales Copy And Music
Commercial License

These Are Direct Download Pages



Some files are pretty large

Hope It Helps
Thank you for this awesome share-
Reps to you!
Great Resource Mate! Thanks
Thanks a whole bunch and a big smidge more!
i never understood why people even make this shit to sell and why people even use it. i've seen product after product like this and it's just silly to me.

since when did professional marketing become a F****** cartoon? this is slowly becoming my new pet peeve

it feels like i am 8 on a saturday morning and i am watching a lucky charms commercial

anyway, sharing is caring so +reps to the op. my comment has nothing to do with him or his share....
Appreciate your cool shares KC.
Thanks for sharing
Max reps added
thx and reps
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Thanks for the share.

Max Reps sent.

I located the sales pages for the otos if anyone is interested.

Oto 1 Sales Page

Magic Button :

Oto 2 Salespage

Magic Button :
Pages: 1 2 3
Reference URL's