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Full Version: Tony Shepherd Sales Copy Formula
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Someone PMed me about writing sales copy so I thought I would add this as a separate download. Again, someone else already posted it but you'd have to go digging in one of the collections to find it. And I already did.

I have NO interest in becoming a freelance copywriter. If I was 30 years younger I definitely would, but at my age I don't want the headaches of listening to clients bitching about my work. I only write for my own stuff.

Anyway, because I am a great admirer of Tony Shepherd's "Lifestyle Business" (can you tell?), here's his take on the subject.:

Hey @BlackTopHat,
Thanks for sharing this. I found a couple of other 'sales page' related items of his (that have likely been shared here before). They are his 'Sales Funnel Cheat Sheet' and his '7 Step Sales Page'. For those that are interested, get them here:

Magic Button :

I have them but repped you anyway. I have everything extant on this forum from Tony. I just assumed if people were interested they'd do the digging.
I'm not interested in being Frank Kern. Tony suits me just right.
(02-10-2022 10:06 AM)BlackTopHat Wrote: [ -> ]I have them but repped you anyway. I have everything extant on this forum from Tony. I just assumed if people were interested they'd do the digging.
I'm not interested in being Frank Kern. Tony suits me just right.
I couldn't agree more. Tony and his 5 figures/month work very well for me. Leaves me in a good place financially and I still have time for the grand kids.
You said you have all the Tony products that are shared on BBHF. The 2 I know I'm missing are the Natural Part-Timers and rhqman's request here:
Do you have those? Can you share?
Everything that is here already. NPT is the one thing I DON"T have. And unfortunately Tony recently said he's raising the price on all his workshops.
Thanks for the share BlackTopHat.

And a nice set of bonus items from NoJob.

Way to go on padding this share out to cover an important topic from an established marketer.

Reps given of course!


Thanks for the share blacktophat, and Nojob - max repped you both
Awesome share mate!Thanks
ok. i want to add this to my collection. can someone please re-up this one?

i thought i wouldn't have a problem finding a mirror but evidently i was wrong. a checked a few places. nothin'!

EDIT: never mind. found it in an older thread here......
Hey for California Kid or anyone else looking to grab the Tony Jackpot here's a reup of the giant share that was on here some time ago- It includes Tony's infamous courses Flipping the Switch and Breaking the Rules, plus a bunch of other stuff-


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