If anyone is still sitting on the fence, about purchasing this awesome course either as a buy it and share it or as a GB they need to be quick, as the super bonuses are going to be lost and the super cheap intro price will be gone forever.
i decided to buy to investigate
not the greatest pretty basic info powerpoint and canva
got refund will share templates and stuff later
got the brit malka course thats not wonderful either
not really anything much that can be downloaded
just went to brit malka course again and now cant access anything
From the stuff shared by Amy Harrop, I have found them basic. I'm not why the hype about her stuff.
Reps added.
(02-14-2022 08:02 PM)william40 Wrote: [ -> ]i decided to buy to investigate
not the greatest pretty basic info powerpoint and canva
got refund will share templates and stuff later
got the brit malka course thats not wonderful either
not really anything much that can be downloaded
just went to brit malka course again and now cant access anything
Thank you so much william40 for purchasing the AH course, and I'm sorry if it was not as expected... Appreciate the offer to share, I would assume once it's registered as cancelled AH would have advised BM to cancel her end.
heres the files i promised earlier
(02-15-2022 01:16 AM)william40 Wrote: [ -> ]heres the files i promised earlier
Thanks again
william40 for the generous share... Left you some reps
(02-15-2022 01:16 AM)william40 Wrote: [ -> ]heres the files i promised earlier
Thank you so much william40. + 5 rep.added
Thanks for share! Lets see what Amy has to offer!
(02-15-2022 01:16 AM)william40 Wrote: [ -> ]heres the files i promised earlier
Thank you! Max. reps added.
(02-15-2022 01:16 AM)william40 Wrote: [ -> ]heres the files i promised earlier
Thanks for this. Gave Rep. :-) I quickly looked at all files -- I don't understand why her courses are popular.