Sales Page:
Direct Access:
Thank you for the share. Max rep added.
Great share.
but how to import products from amazon ?[/align]
Thanks for the share, but any training? There is nothing about training or how to import products at all on google.
Thanks a bunch for this awesome share, jorgemv!
Max rep.
Thanks for this, looks good
Thanks for sharing jorgemv..
Reps added.
I haven't created an account, but I have read the sales page, and here we go again with the "built-in traffic" claim.
It seems every product's sales page these days boasts that same claim. However, it never (in my experience) seems to be realistic.
Has anyone built a site and, 'sat back and watched the commissions come in'?
Here's the claim on the sales page:
"Sit back and enjoy daily sales which is generated with our "in-built traffic" on complete auto-pilot".
created account due to sales page but I am unable to build store as no instructions on importing to it, bit strange so can OP give link to training please.
yea, this is one of those that we don't have to create an account. a simple and quick look at the sales page and i had the same conclusion haha
but you will notice people will still try and create an account DESPITE what you or i say. these people are a glutton for punishment where they live on a merry go round failing and failing again because they see something is free and worth a shot and they don't have any money to invest in themselves
one of these days when i am bored and have nothing to do, i would love to do a case study on these traffic generator saas services on the front end just to show people what a crock of shit it is and everyone and their mother claiming the same bullshit the last couple years
still have to rep the op though. without sharing, it wold be harder to distinguish the good from the bad and save people time...
(02-08-2022 08:31 PM)solar33 Wrote: [ -> ]Thanks for sharing jorgemv..
Reps added.
I haven't created an account, but I have read the sales page, and here we go again with the "built-in traffic" claim.
It seems every product's sales page these days boasts that same claim. However, it never (in my experience) seems to be realistic.
Has anyone built a site and, 'sat back and watched the commissions come in'?
Here's the claim on the sales page:
"Sit back and enjoy daily sales which is generated with our "in-built traffic" on complete auto-pilot".