01-12-2022, 03:40 PM
Embrace the Suck: The Navy SEAL Way to an Extraordinary Life By: Brent Gleeson
Get into the Navy SEAL mindset with this raw, brutally honest, in-your-face self-help guide that will teach you how to thrive on adversity.
During the brutal crucible of Navy SEAL training, instructors often tell students to “embrace the suck.” This phrase conveys the one lesson that is vital for any SEAL hopeful to learn: lean into the suffering and get comfortable being very uncomfortable. In this powerful, no-nonsense guide, Navy SEAL combat veteran turned leadership expert Brent Gleeson teaches you how to transform every area of your life—the Navy SEAL way.
Can anyone develop this level of resilience? Gleeson breaks it down to a Challenge-Commitment-Control mindset. He reveals how resilient people view difficulties as a Challenge, where obstacles and failures are opportunities for growth. Next, they have a strong emotional Commitment to their goals and are not easily distracted or deterred. Finally, resilient people focus their energy on the things within their Control, rather than fixating on factors they can’t impact.
Embrace the Suck provides an actionable roadmap that empowers you to expand your comfort zone to live a more fulfilling, purpose-driven life. Through candid storytelling, behavioral science research, and plenty of self-deprecating humor, Gleeson shows you how to use pain as a pathway, reassess your values, remove temptation, build discipline, suffer with purpose, fail successfully, transform your mind, and achieve more of the goals you set.
It's 2022 (congrats on making it out of 2021 alive... Many did not) and more than ever, we now need to "Embrace The Suck". COVID sucks, weather around the world sucks, inflation sucks, and the list goes on and on... But YOU don't suck! YOU have a choice on the ACTIONS you take everyday.
If you don't like the current trajectory of your life, it's up to YOU. You got to get off your backside, take 100% responsibility for your actions, put a plan in place, and GET MOVING.
Nothing in YOUR life will change unless you make the decision to change it and do something about it.
I learned that lesson the (very) hard way a long time ago. So here is a book to give you a solid kick in the pants and get yourself headed in the right direction.
PDF and ePub Formats included:
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